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Loco No. Loco Detail Changed From To Date Spotted By
21863 Shed AQE KYNE 2024-02-09 Jaico Davis
37647 Shed LGDE BZAE 2024-02-09 Jaico Davis
37643 Shed KYNE AQE 2024-02-09 Jaico Davis
37644 Shed KYNE AQE 2024-02-09 Jaico Davis
22353 Comments Air brake only. Roof mounted DBRs. VCD provided Air brake only. Roof mounted DBRs. VCD provided. Waist level Headlamps 2024-02-08 VIKAS KUMAR
30671 Comments Air brake only..Retrofitted to HOG Air brake only. Retrofitted to HOG 2024-02-08 VIKAS KUMAR
22794 Livery WAP-4 red/yellow with cream band, fluorescent on sides WAP-4 red/grey with cream band and fluorescent on sides 2024-02-08 VIKAS KUMAR