All Locos

Found 754 matches based on your search.
Loco No. Loco Class Shed Code Loco Name Status Comments
183 ZDM-3 MIB Shivaji Preserved Vacuum brakes only. Preserved at DRM office, Bilaspur
194 ZDM-3 MIB Dr Ambedkar Scrapped This loco in Scrap Auction from SECR [ September 2020 ] Vacuum brakes only
198 ZDM-4 PTK Chhatrapati Preserved Vacuum brake only. Working off PTK [March 2018]
541 ZDM-5 PRTN Eti Preserved Vacuum brake only. Plinthed at Banaras Railway Station (BSBS)
601 NDM-6 SGUD KANCHENJUNGA In Service Air brake only. Working off NRL [July 2005]. Named as KANCHENJUNGA by Mr. Babai Dey on behalf of Team "NF Rail Enthusiasts"
602 NDM-6 SGUD HIMALAYA In Service Air brake only. Named as HIMALAYA by Mr. Babai Dey on behalf of Team "NF Rail Enthusiasts"
603 NDM-6 SGUD TRIDHARA In Service Air brake only. Transferred from NRL in September 2016. Named as TRIDHARA by NF Rail Enthusiasts
604 NDM-6 SGUD SHERPA In Service Air brake only. Repainted and named as SHERPA by Mr. Babai Dey on behalf of Team "NF Rail.Enthusiasts". Extremely damaged after the derailment occurred at Darjeeling. Has been sent to SAN Workshop, Bangalore for POH. Back in service (April 2024)
605 NDM-6 SGUD Swaraj In Service Air brake only. Repainted in blue with white stripe & red cowcatcher colour scheme for G20 Summit (Darjeeling & Siliguri)
801 NDM-5 GWL Chinkara Withdrawn Plinthed at CLW
6199 YDM-4 FL Hubli Scrapped First YDM-4 built by DLW, allocated to SCR on 30/11/1968
6558 YDM-4 IZND VIRAT Scrapped Outbased at MLN [November 2019]. In Scrap Auction October 2023
11128 WDM-3D RTMD Velociti In Service Air brake only. POH/repaint at Parel Workshop [December 2014/January 2015]
11129 WDM-3D AMVD Prabal In Service Air brake only
11130 WDM-3D AMVD Prabal In Service Air brake only
11131 WDM-3D SBTD Velociti In Service Air brake only
11137 WDM-3D AMVD Prabal In Service Air brake only
11142 WDM-3D AMVD Prabal In Service Air brake only
11147 WDM-3D AMVD Prabal In Service Air brake only
11148 WDM-3D AMVD Birsa Munda In Service Air brake only
11154 WDM-3D AMVD Prabal In Service Air brake only
11157 WDM-3D AMVD Tez In Service Air brake only
11162 WDM-3D AMVD Prabal In Service Air brake only. 3500 hp when built
11172 WDM-3D AMVD Cheetah In Service Air brake only. 3500 hp when built
11177 WDM-3D AMVD Cheetah In Service Air brake only
11211 WDM-3D SBTD Velociti In Service Air brake only. Daulat Ram DBR
11227 WDM-3D AMVD Prabal In Service Air brake only. Daulat Ram DBR
11232 WDM-3D AMVD Cheetah In Service Air brake only. Daulat Ram DBR
11233 WDM-3D AMVD Raja Suheldev In Service Air brake only. Daulat Ram DBR
11237 WDM-3D AMVD Cheetah In Service GM style DBR. Air brake only. Marked "not fit for pass" [February 2010]
11238 WDM-3D AMVD Cheetah Scrapped Air brake only. Daulat Ram DBR. u/s; 'For repair' [December 2019]. Condemned in September 2022
11249 WDM-3D AMVD Cheetah In Service Air brake only. Daulat Ram DBR
11250 WDM-3D AMVD Prabal Scrapped Air brake only. Daulat Ram DBR. u/s; 'For repair' [June 2019]. Condemned in September 2022
11260 WDM-3D AMVD Cheetah In Service Air brake only. Daulat Ram DBR
11261 WDM-3D AMVD Hari Singh Nalwa In Service Air brake only. Daulat Ram DBR
11262 WDM-3D AMVD Prabal In Service Air brake only. Daulat Ram DBR
11267 WDM-3D AMVD Prabal Scrapped Air brake only. Daulat Ram DBR. u/s; 'For repair' [December 2019]. Condemned in September 2022
11268 WDM-3D AMVD Prabal Scrapped Air brake only. Daulat Ram DBR. u/s; 'For repair' [June 2019]. Condemned in September 2022
11334 WDM-3D AMVD Cheetah In Service Air brake only. Daulat Ram DBR
12112 WDG-4 UBLD Pulikeshi In Service Air brake only
12119 WDG-4 UBLD Natraj In Service Equipped with IGBT traction converters. Air brake only.Fitted with AEB. OG cabs.
12186 WDG-4 ABRD Maruraj In Service Air brake only. Retrofitted widened cab profile
12187 WDG-4 BGKD Maruraj In Service Air brake only. Retrofitted widened cab profile
12192 WDG-4 ABRD Ajeet Maruraj In Service Air brake only
12193 WDG-4 ABRD Maruraj In Service Air brake only. Retrofitted widened cab profile
12194 WDG-4 ABRD Maruraj In Service Air brake only
12195 WDG-4 ABRD Amit In Service Air brake only
12196 WDG-4 ABRD Maruraj In Service Air brake only. Widened cab profile (retrofitted)
12197 WDG-4 ABRD Maruraj In Service Air brake only
12199 WDG-4 AMVD Hampi In Service Air brake only