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They will be towed by either Diesel's or Dual-currant Electrics to the shed, the same way the AC Bankers of the Thull Ghat region are brought to the ELS for maintenance.
Posted by Jainand Narayanan (guest) on 2009 May 18 18:11:15 +0100
recently when i visited mumbai, i saw a track under 25KV AC which emerged just after kalyan beyond the slow down track. the AC track then multiplied and went on the rightside. can anyone tell where does that line go?
Posted by Sameer Kinikar (guest) on 2009 May 18 18:06:59 +0100
Great effort. a small doubt though, KYN ELS seems to be isolated DC section, how do WCG2s move in and out in this case?
Posted by Anant K Singh on 2009 May 18 18:04:56 +0100
LKO_LJN station details
Jitendra, LJN had a different layout some years back. PF 1/2 were island type then. It was actually 3/4 you are talking about which were island type with 4 as MG and 3 as BG. The PF1 line was uprooted and PF 1 became a non-island platform then. At LKO, 8/9 are dead-end ones. They are not very long platforms but then most of the east bound passengers start from there as well as the Intercities to LKO/BSB except Varuna because it has a longer rake.
Posted by Samar on 2009 Mar 25 16:36:55 +0000
Yes Ranjeet, LJN is a terminus (used to be pure MG in the good old days). LJN belongs to NER and LKO to NR, though both are in the same compound so to speak.

Samar, very good map. You can actually differentiate between the NER and NR lines without any help of different colours. In the MG days, both the Kanpur and Barabanki sectors had both MG (NER) and BG (NR) lines running parallel, though NER lines had to take the loop through Badshahnagar.
Posted by Dr.Jitendra Mulky on 2009 Mar 25 13:39:49 +0000
LKO_LJN station details
1) In 1993 when I took the MG Nainital Express from LJN to Lalkua, PF 2/3 was MG with BG lines on both sides.

2) Are PF 8/9 of LKO dead - ends and which trains start from here?
Posted by Dr.Jitendra Mulky on 2009 Mar 25 13:28:28 +0000
If LKO is the main station, then what is LJN?Is LJN a terminus?
Posted by Ranjeet Ramaswamy Iyer on 2009 Mar 25 13:23:18 +0000
The MG line to Sitapur does not terminate at Aishbagh but still goes ahead and ends just a kilometer from LJN; however, trains are operational from Aishbagh only. The goods line to avoid LKO cuts CNB line on flyover with CNB line on the lower level between Manaknagar and Amausi.
Posted by Samar on 2009 Mar 25 12:44:59 +0000
Immediately after LJN, you have a line to join main lines from LKO just before Alambagh Cabin, but these lines are very rarely used by trains from LJN to CNB and they use mainly the line which cuts the BE line on a flyover. The main purpose of this line is to facilitate movement of trains like 3019/20 Bagh exp, 5011/12 LJN-SRE exp, and 2209/10 CNB-KGM GR which have to move from LJN to BE line and vice versa.
Posted by Samar on 2009 Mar 25 12:40:38 +0000
GIP Map from Shaan e Bhopal
Amazing, the Bhopal Gwl route did not exist....?neither did the Pune-Mrj-Goa/Bangalore and so many others.Any idea when was it dated?
Posted by Milind on 2009 Jan 30 05:11:09 +0000