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Vijay, at Virar the old DC lines DO NOT merge with the new lines. They hit a dead end at Virar.
Posted by Akshay Marathe (guest) on 2009 May 19 07:49:54 +0100
I appreciate your patience and efforts in making this diagram.
Posted by Apurva (guest) on 2009 May 19 07:41:30 +0100
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Thanks everybody. Please find the replies:
1. KYN ELS: At the gate of this ELS where a single line enters ELS, A very big board on the OHE right above the line reads "AC Territory ends, DC Territory starts". I couldn't capture it on my cell due to presence of RPFs Hence ELS gets isolated & is under DC traction. However inside ELS, there are seperate AC & DC lines to test the AC / DC / ACDC locos.

2 things CR could have done further: Convert entire ELS into AC as also Diva Jn PF 3,4,5 & loop lines & place neutral zones just before entering Diva Jn from CST side. By this CR could have started Diva-Vasai/Panvel MEMU services. Inside ELS as of now, both DC & AC locos have to be towed dead into ELS which isn't making sense at all. On the conversion day we spotted 3 WCG2 dead near ELS gate perhaps to be towed & places onto the DC lines.

2. Virar: I guess, the older DC lines have nautral zones before they merge onto the new 3rd & 4th lines. Previously the older lines used to be...
Posted by Vijay Aravamudhan (guest) on 2009 May 19 07:32:31 +0100
WCAMx esp WCAM2/2P/3 and WCAG1 will be around for another 15 years or so...they're only a 10-12 year old specimen. WCG2's yes sadly will bid farewell.
Posted by Kharad Zarir Variyava (guest) on 2009 May 19 05:59:03 +0100
Please keep up the effort and keep updating this image. Nice caption. Slowly but surely WAPtors will make the WCGs and WCAMs history.
Posted by Ram (guest) on 2009 May 19 05:39:16 +0100
Great effort surely Vijay! Just one doubt here as per the map trains bound for ADI from PUNE will compulsarily have to take 5th (or 6th) line between KYN & DIVA to branch out towards Vasai else they will have to reverse at DIVA which is not the case. There has to be another connection and neutral zone near DIVA for traffic coming from KYN anf going toward Vasai Road.

Can anyone throw some light?
Posted by Parag (guest) on 2009 May 19 05:19:25 +0100
KYN shed is surely not under DC wires. I am sure it is under AC wires, with just some lines dedicated for DC locos. It makes no sense to keep the shed in DC, since it is now bound to get more AC locos. In any case, the number of DC locos are on the decline.

Please check if there are any neutral zones around the entry to the shed, on your next visit.
Posted by Binai Sankar on 2009 May 19 04:47:18 +0100
any idea why KYN Shed is pure DC as it also holds WAG-7s used for bankings
I thought that it was AC-DC shed as both pure AC and pure DC locos are homed here?
Posted by Guest on 2009 May 18 19:58:41 +0100
Thats a great work. Just a small correction. At Virar there is no connection between the through and local lines.
Posted by Akshay Marathe (guest) on 2009 May 18 18:46:31 +0100
Thats a great effort.
Posted by Ranjeet Ramaswamy Iyer (guest) on 2009 May 18 18:22:07 +0100