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Loco No. Loco Detail Changed From To Date Spotted By
37623 Shed GDDE GKPL 2024-06-06 Jaico Davis
38659 Shed GMOE PTRX 2024-06-06 Jaico Davis
38585 Shed GMOE PTRX 2024-06-06 Jaico Davis
28464 Shed ABRD JMPD 2024-06-06 Jaico Davis
28424 Shed ABRD JMPD 2024-06-06 Jaico Davis
40365 Livery WDP-4D blue with white cab & band with yellow stripe WDP-4D blue with white cab & band with yellow stripe and NTPC markings on the body 2024-06-06 VIKAS KUMAR
605 Livery Tricolour (Saffron White & Green) SGUJ Blue with white stripe and red cowcatcher 2024-06-06 VIKAS KUMAR
23879 Sub class H 2024-06-06 VIKAS KUMAR
12737 Comments IGBT & 4500hp. Air brake only. Widened cab profile with larger windows IGBT & 4500hp. Air brake only. Widened cab profile with larger windows. Not fit for Passenger Service. 2024-06-06 VIKAS KUMAR
32278 Comments Air brake only Air brake only. WBL-85 HR pantos on both cabs 2024-06-06 VIKAS KUMAR
22530 Livery ICF Shatabdi Livery Yellow/green with yellow stripe 2024-06-05 SD895
22530 Comments Air brake only. Roof mounted DBRs. Mid recessed headlamps. Cab modified & retrofitted with larger windscreens during last POH at KPA. POH done at KPA in February,2019 . Painted in ICF Shatabdi (Inspired from WAP-3 22005) livery during IOH in April, 2024. Air brake only. Roof mounted DBRs. Mid recessed headlamps. Cab modified & retrofitted with larger windscreens during last POH at KPA. POH done at KPA in February,2019 2024-06-05 SD895
31643 Loco class WAG-9H WAG-9HC 2024-06-04 DJLunatic
30438 Comments Air brake only; AC Cabs. Crew friendly modification. Non HOG. Air brake only; Crew friendly modification. Non HOG 2024-06-04 railxplorermohit
30386 Comments Air brake only; Retrofiited to HOG & POH by BSL. Crew friendly modification. POH by BSL (2023) Air brake only; Retrofitted to HOG & POH by BSL. Crew friendly modification. POH by BSL (2023). Fitted with Faivley LX3600 High rise pantograph on one side 2024-06-04 railxplorermohit
22658 Comments Air brake only. SIV fitted. Vertical DBR. POH at BSL, 26/12/2010 Air brake only. SIV fitted. Vertical DBR. POH at BSL, 26/12/2010. POH by PERW Apr'24 2024-06-03 Mallampalli Sai Devansh
70845 Loco name VASUKI 2024-06-03 DJLunatic
37189 Comments Air brake only. Medha Hotel Load equipped. A/C cabs Air brake only. Medha Hotel Load equipped. A/C cabs. Fitted with Faiveley LX3600 single arm rapid transit High Rise Pantograph on Cab 1 only 2024-06-02 railxplorermohit
70095 Livery WDG-4 turquoise with cream cab & band with orange stripe UDL Green with cream and red stripes 2024-06-01 Srijeeb Koley
70309 Shed GOCD ERSX 2024-06-01 Jaico Davis
70307 Shed GOCD ERSX 2024-06-01 Jaico Davis
70306 Shed GOCD ERSX 2024-06-01 Jaico Davis
12860 Shed GOCD ERSX 2024-06-01 Jaico Davis
12759 Shed GOCD ERSX 2024-06-01 Jaico Davis
12735 Shed GOCD ERSX 2024-06-01 Jaico Davis
12678 Shed GOCD ERSX 2024-06-01 Jaico Davis
12634 Shed GOCD ERSX 2024-06-01 Jaico Davis
12632 Shed GOCD ERSX 2024-06-01 Jaico Davis
12631 Shed GOCD ERSX 2024-06-01 Jaico Davis
12405 Shed GOCD ERSX 2024-06-01 Jaico Davis
12692 Shed ERSX GOCD 2024-06-01 Jaico Davis
70547 Shed UBLD GOCD 2024-06-01 Jaico Davis
70543 Shed UBLD GOCD 2024-06-01 Jaico Davis
70533 Shed UBLD GOCD 2024-06-01 Jaico Davis
70451 Shed UBLD GOCD 2024-06-01 Jaico Davis
70382 Shed UBLD GOCD 2024-06-01 Jaico Davis
70317 Shed UBLD GOCD 2024-06-01 Jaico Davis
70646 Shed UBLD UDLD 2024-06-01 Jaico Davis
70640 Shed UBLD UDLD 2024-06-01 Jaico Davis
70546 Shed UBLD UDLD 2024-06-01 Jaico Davis
70458 Shed UBLD UDLD 2024-06-01 Jaico Davis
70351 Shed UBLD UDLD 2024-06-01 Jaico Davis
70072 Shed UBLD UDLD 2024-06-01 Jaico Davis
12406 Shed UBLD UDLD 2024-06-01 Jaico Davis
12312 Shed UBLD UDLD 2024-06-01 Jaico Davis
12135 Shed UBLD UDLD 2024-06-01 Jaico Davis
12132 Shed UBLD UDLD 2024-06-01 Jaico Davis
70075 Shed UBLD KYDX 2024-06-01 Jaico Davis
12294 Shed UBLD KYDX 2024-06-01 Jaico Davis
12221 Shed UBLD KYDX 2024-06-01 Jaico Davis
12140 Shed UBLD KYDX 2024-06-01 Jaico Davis