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Loco No. Loco Detail Changed From To Date Spotted By
12752 Shed KZJD GOCD 2024-04-02 Jaico Davis
12679 Shed KZJD GOCD 2024-04-02 Jaico Davis
12678 Shed KZJD GOCD 2024-04-02 Jaico Davis
12635 Shed KZJD GOCD 2024-04-02 Jaico Davis
12634 Shed KZJD GOCD 2024-04-02 Jaico Davis
12632 Shed KZJD GOCD 2024-04-02 Jaico Davis
12631 Shed KZJD GOCD 2024-04-02 Jaico Davis
70652 Shed KZJD JHSD 2024-04-02 Jaico Davis
70651 Shed KZJD JHSD 2024-04-02 Jaico Davis
70635 Shed KZJD JHSD 2024-04-02 Jaico Davis
70541 Shed KZJD JHSD 2024-04-02 Jaico Davis
70539 Shed KZJD JHSD 2024-04-02 Jaico Davis
70537 Shed KZJD JHSD 2024-04-02 Jaico Davis
70531 Shed KZJD JHSD 2024-04-02 Jaico Davis
70505 Shed KZJD JHSD 2024-04-02 Jaico Davis
70504 Shed KZJD JHSD 2024-04-02 Jaico Davis
70471 Shed KZJD JHSD 2024-04-02 Jaico Davis
70853 Shed PTRX SGUD 2024-04-02 Jaico Davis
12877 Shed PTRX SGUD 2024-04-02 Jaico Davis
12789 Shed PTRX SGUD 2024-04-02 Jaico Davis
12785 Shed PTRX SGUD 2024-04-02 Jaico Davis
12780 Shed PTRX SGUD 2024-04-02 Jaico Davis
12898 Shed PTRX SGUD 2024-04-02 Jaico Davis
12897 Shed PTRX SGUD 2024-04-02 Jaico Davis
12866 Shed PTRX SGUD 2024-04-02 Jaico Davis
12865 Shed PTRX SGUD 2024-04-02 Jaico Davis
12855 Shed PTRX SGUD 2024-04-02 Jaico Davis
27835 Comments Air brake only. SIV fitted. Vertical DBR Air brake only. SIV fitted. Vertical DBR. Fitted with LX3600 HRPT on one cab 2024-04-01 VIKAS KUMAR
27247 Livery WAG-7 pale blue/grey with cream band WAG-7 pale blue/grey with yellow band 2024-04-01 VIKAS KUMAR
33550 Livery WAG-9 green/grey with yellow stripe WAG-9 green/grey with yellow stripe and red fluorescent on sides 2024-04-01 VIKAS KUMAR
33550 Comments AC Cabs 2024-04-01 VIKAS KUMAR
21931 Comments Air brake only. SIV provided. POH at BSL, 23/07/2012. Converted to AC working with 2 AC pantographs. MU cables reinstalled (3 slots). Fitted with rear-view mirrors. Smaller windscreens by length. Retrofitted with LED headlights Air brake only. SIV provided. POH at BSL, 23/07/2012. Converted to AC working with 2 AC pantographs. MU cables reinstalled (3 slots). Fitted with rear-view mirrors. Smaller windscreens by length. Retrofitted with LED headlights. LX3600 HRPT fitted. 2024-04-01 VIKAS KUMAR
21893 Comments Air brake only. SIV provided. POH at BSL, December 2018 . Converted to AC working with 2 AC pantographs. "GEAR RATIO 16:65"; "PURE AC 6P CONVERTED". Smaller windscreens by length. MU cables reinstalled; 3 MU slots instead of regular 4. Fitted with rear-view mirrors. Re-classified as "WCAM/3G" post modifications for freight hauling. Led Headlamps Air brake only. SIV provided. POH at BSL, December 2018 . Converted to AC working with 2 AC pantographs. "GEAR RATIO 16:65"; "PURE AC 6P CONVERTED". Smaller windscreens by length. MU cables reinstalled; 3 MU slots instead of regular 4. Fitted with rear-view mirrors. Re-classified as "WCAM/3G" post modifications for freight hauling. Led Headlamps . LX3600 HRPT fitted 2024-04-01 VIKAS KUMAR
22321 Comments Air brake only. Hauled the inaugural run of HWH - CSTM Duronto Express, 28/09/2009. Mid lamps. Air brake only. Hauled the inaugural run of HWH - CSTM Duronto Express, 28/09/2009. Waist level lamps 2024-04-01 VIKAS KUMAR
43397 Shed UBLD KJMD 2024-04-01 Jaico Davis
43396 Shed UBLD KJMD 2024-04-01 Jaico Davis
43385 Shed UBLD KJMD 2024-04-01 Jaico Davis
43384 Shed UBLD KJMD 2024-04-01 Jaico Davis
43135 Shed UBLD KJMD 2024-04-01 Jaico Davis
43086 Shed UBLD KJMD 2024-04-01 Jaico Davis
43047 Shed UBLD KJMD 2024-04-01 Jaico Davis
43046 Shed UBLD KJMD 2024-04-01 Jaico Davis
43045 Shed UBLD KJMD 2024-04-01 Jaico Davis
43037 Shed UBLD KJMD 2024-04-01 Jaico Davis
38272 Shed UBLD KJMD 2024-04-01 Jaico Davis
38142 Shed UBLD KJMD 2024-04-01 Jaico Davis
38129 Shed UBLD KJMD 2024-04-01 Jaico Davis
38072 Shed UBLD KJMD 2024-04-01 Jaico Davis
38055 Shed UBLD KJMD 2024-04-01 Jaico Davis
38051 Shed UBLD KJMD 2024-04-01 Jaico Davis
38027 Shed UBLD KJMD 2024-04-01 Jaico Davis