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Loco No. Loco Detail Changed From To Date Spotted By
38470 Shed UBLD KJMD 2024-05-04 Jaico Davis
38661 Shed KJMD UBLD 2024-05-04 Jaico Davis
33377 Shed KJMD UBLD 2024-05-04 Jaico Davis
43629 Shed PADX AQE 2024-05-05 Jaico Davis
28342 Livery WAG-7 pale blue with cream band WAG-7 blue/grey with cream band and fluroscent on sides 2024-05-05 VIKAS KUMAR
22746 Livery WAP-4 red/grey with cream stripe WAP-4 red/grey with cream stripe and red bands on sides 2024-05-05 VIKAS KUMAR
30222 Livery WAP-7 white/black with red stripe WAP-7 white/black with red stripe and P7 decals on sides 2024-05-05 VIKAS KUMAR
30222 Comments Air brake only. Large 'P-7' decals on bodysides. Crew friendly modification Air brake only. Crew friendly modification. Retrofitted to HOG. POH by KPAW. LX Panto on both cabs 2024-05-05 VIKAS KUMAR
70841 Loco name Vasuki 2024-05-05 VIKAS KUMAR
32023 Livery WAG-9 green/grey with yellow stripe WAG-9 green/black with yellow stripe 2024-05-05 VIKAS KUMAR
32023 Comments Air brake only Air brake only 2024-05-05 VIKAS KUMAR
32023 Loco class WAG-9H WAG-9HC 2024-05-05 VIKAS KUMAR
32025 Livery WAG-9 green/grey with yellow stripe WAG-9 green/black with yellow stripe 2024-05-05 VIKAS KUMAR
32025 Comments Air brake only Air brake only 2024-05-05 VIKAS KUMAR
32025 Loco class WAG-9H WAG-9HC 2024-05-05 VIKAS KUMAR
37687 Shed PADX KYNE 2024-05-05 Jaico Davis
37688 Shed PADX KYNE 2024-05-05 Jaico Davis
37689 Shed PADX KYNE 2024-05-05 Jaico Davis
30675 Livery WAP-7 white/black with red band and JOY e-bike vinyl on sides WAP-7 white/black with red band 2024-05-04 wcam3_rfchirag