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Loco No. Loco Class Shed Code Status Comments
37241 WAP-7 BNDL In Service Air brake only. Medha Hotel Load equipped. A/C cabs. Commissioned by BNDM
37242 WAP-7 GZBE In Service Air brake only. BHEL Hotel Load equipped. AC Cabs. Fitted with Crew Recording System.
37243 WAP-7 BNDL In Service Air brake only. Siemens Hotel Load equipped. A/C cabs. Commisioned by BNDM ELS. Fitted with Crew Recording System. IOH by BNDM ELS (Oct'23)
37244 WAP-7 HWHE In Service Air brake only. Siemens Hotel Load equipped. A/C cabs
37245 WAP-7 BNDL In Service Air brake only. Siemens Hotel Load equipped. A/C cabs. Fitted with Crew Recording System.
37246 WAP-7 HWHE In Service Air brake only. Siemens Hotel Load equipped. A/C cabs
37247 WAP-7 BNDL In Service Air brake only. Siemens Hotel Load equipped. A/C cabs. Commissioned by BNDM ELS. Fitted with crew Recording System.
37248 WAP-7 ETE In Service Air brake only. Siemens Hotel Load equipped. A/C cabs
37249 WAP-7 CNBE In Service Air brake only. Medha Hotel Load equipped. A/C cabs
37250 WAP-7 BNDL In Service Air brake only. Siemens Hotel Load equipped. A/C cabs. Fitted with Crew Recording System.
37251 WAP-7 ETE In Service Air brake only. Siemens Hotel Load equipped. A/C cabs
37252 WAP-7 BNDL In Service Air brake only. Siemens Hotel Load equipped. A/C cabs. Commissioned by BNDM. Fitted with Crew Recording System.
37253 WAP-7 GMOE In Service Air brake only. Siemens Hotel Load equipped. A/C cab
37254 WAP-7 ETE In Service Air brake only. Siemens Hotel Load equipped. A/C cabs.
37255 WAP-7 ETE In Service Air brake only. BHEL Hotel Load equipped. A/C cabs
37256 WAP-7 ETE In Service Air brake only. BHEL Hotel Load equipped. A/C cab
37257 WAP-7 ETE In Service Air brake only. Siemens Hotel Load equipped. A/C cabs. The 300th electric rail engine 'WAP-7' was flagged off by the general manager Mrs. Rashmi Goyal at the diesel rail engine factory loco test shop, 02/10/2019. Painted advertisements of Sakarni Wall Putty on sides.
37258 WAP-7 ETE In Service Air brake only. BHEL Hotel Load equipped. A/C cabs
37259 WAP-7 ETE In Service Air brake only. BHEL Hotel Load equipped. A/C cabs
37260 WAP-7 TATE In Service Air brake only. Hotel Load equipped. A/C cabs. Commisned by TATA ELS. LED Headlamps
37261 WAP-7 ETE In Service BTIL Propulsion System and Siemens Hotel Load equipped. Kavach fitted
37262 WAP-7 KYNE In Service BHEL Propulsion System and BHEL Hotel Load equipped
37263 WAP-7 TATE In Service Air brake only. Hotel Load equipped. A/C cabs. Commissioned by TATA ELS
37264 WAP-7 ETE In Service BTIL Propulsion System and Siemens Hotel Load equipped. Kavach fitted
37265 WAP-7 ETE In Service Air brake only. Hotel Load equipped. A/C cabs
37266 WAP-7 TATE In Service Air brake only. Hotel Load equipped. A/C cabs. Commisned by TATA ELS
37267 WAP-7 AQE In Service BTIL Propulsion System and Siemens Hotel Load equipped
37268 WAP-7 HWHE In Service Air brake only. Hotel Load equipped. A/C cabs
37269 WAP-7 TATE In Service Air brake only. Hotel Load equipped. A/C cabs. Commissioned by TATA
37270 WAP-7 AQE In Service BTIL Propulsion System and Siemens Hotel Load equipped
37271 WAP-7 ETE In Service Air brake only. Hotel Load equipped. A/C cabs. Fitted with crew recording system
37272 WAP-7 HWHE In Service Air brake only. Siemens Hotel Load Equipped. AC cabs
37273 WAP-7 HWHE In Service Air brake only. MEDHA's IGBT Propulsion equipped & Medha Hotel Load Converter equipped , FEDDER LLOYD AC fitted on cabs. Modified with ports for Push Pull runs. 300th WAP7 manufactured by DLW. One HOG port placed b/w Headlamps and markers.
37274 WAP-7 KYNE In Service BHEL Propulsion System and Siemens Hotel Load equipped
37275 WAP-7 BRCE In Service Air brake only. Medha Hotel Load equipped. A/C cabs
37276 WAP-7 KYNE In Service BHEL Propulsion System and Siemens Hotel Load equipped
37277 WAP-7 BRCE In Service Air brake only. Medha Hotel Load equipped. A/C cabs. Retrofitted with one WBL-85 HR pantograph
37278 WAP-7 SPJD In Service Air brake only. Siemens Hotel Load equipped. A/C cabs
37279 WAP-7 BRCE In Service Air brake only. Medha Hotel Load equipped. A/C cabs
37280 WAP-7 SPJD In Service Air brake only. Siemens Hotel Load equipped. A/C cabs
37281 WAP-7 AQE In Service BTIL Propulsion System and Medha Hotel Load equipped
37282 WAP-7 GMOE In Service Air brake only. Siemens Hotel Load equipped. A/C cabs
37283 WAP-7 TATE In Service Air brake only. Siemens Hotel Load equipped. A/C cabs. Commissioned by TATA ELS. Fitted with Faively LX3600 panto on both cabs
37284 WAP-7 TATE In Service Air brake only. Siemens Hotel Load equipped. A/C cabs. Commissioned by TATA ELS
37285 WAP-7 ETE In Service Air brake only. Medha Hotel Load equipped. A/C cabs
37286 WAP-7 BRCE In Service Air brake only. Siemens Hotel Load equipped. A/C cabs. Equipped with a WBL-85 HR pantograph above CAB-1
37287 WAP-7 BRCE In Service Air brake only. Siemens Hotel Load equipped. A/C cabs
37288 WAP-7 PADX In Service ABB Propulsion System and Siemens Hotel Load equipped
37289 WAP-7 PADX In Service ABB Propulsion System and Siemens Hotel Load equipped
37290 WAP-7 TATE In Service Air brake only. Hotel Load equipped. A/C cabs. Commissioned by TATA ELS