All Locos

Loco No. Loco Class Shed Code Status Comments
18891 WDM-2 AMVD Scrapped
18892 WDM-3A VTAD Scrapped Air brake only. Rebuilt at DLMW, Patiala. Missing from holdings - assumed withdrawn/scrapped [October 2019]
18893 WDM-3A GTLD Scrapped Rebuilt by DMW, Patiala as WDM-3C, later reclassified as WDM-3A. POH at GOC in May 2010. Previously homed at GY. No longer shown in holdings - presumed withdrawn or scrapped [January 2020] In Scrap Auction[March 2020]
18894 WDM-3A MLYD Scrapped Rebuilt at DLMW, Patiala. Air brake only. Previously homed at GTL. No longer shown in holdings - presumed withdrawn or scrapped [January 2020] In Scrap Auction[March 2020]
18895 WDM-3A KZJD Scrapped Rebuilt at DLMW, Patiala. No longer shown in holdings - presumed withdrawn or scrapped [January 2020] In Scrap Auction[March 2020]
18896 WDM-3A NKJD Scrapped Rebuilt at DLMW, Patiala. Air brake only. 'Derated to 2600 HP' [October 2011] In Scrap Auction [December 2020]
18897 WDM-3A KZJD Scrapped Rebuilt by DCW, Patiala in July 2007 and transferred to KZJ. No longer shown in holdings - presumed withdrawn or scrapped [January 2020] In Scrap Auction[March 2020]
18898 WDM-3A KZJD Scrapped Rebuilt at DLMW, Patiala. No longer shown in holdings - presumed withdrawn or scrapped [January 2020]
18899 WDM-3A KZJD Scrapped Rebuilt at DLMW, Patiala. Previously homed at GY. u/s; 'For repair' [June 2019]. Stored serviceable 'Under GRS' [October 2019]. No longer shown in holdings - presumed withdrawn or scrapped [January 2020] In Scrap Auction[February 2020]
18900 WDM-3A WATD Scrapped Rebuilt at DLMW, Patiala. No longer shown in holdings - presumed withdrawn or scrapped [January 2020]
18901 WDM-6 BWNX Preserved Observed to be stored out of use at HWH [February 2011]. Earmarked for preservation: I.R. Heritage Website [November 2018]
18902 WDM-6 BWNX Preserved Earmarked for preservation: I.R. Heritage Website [November 2018]
18903 WDM-3A MLYD Scrapped Rebuilt at DLMW, Patiala. Derated to WDM-2 standard [January 2014]. No longer shown in holdings - presumed withdrawn or scrapped [January 2020] In Scrap Auction[March 2020]
18904 WDM-3A KJMD Scrapped Rebuilt at DLMW, Patiala. POH at GOC and fitted with Locotrol. Stored serviceable 'Under GRS' [Spetember 2019]. For condemnation [December 2019]. No longer shown in holdings - presumed scrapped [January 2020] In Scrap Auction[September 2020] Kindly request to update status of loco as Scrapped, only when its put up for scrap auction. Till then, it can be updated as WithDrawn.
18905 WDM-2 GTLD Scrapped Overaged; now assumed withdrawn/scrapped
18906 WDM-3A GTLD Scrapped Rebuilt at DLMW, Patiala in August 2006. Air brake only . No longer shown in holdings - presumed withdrawn or scrapped [January 2020] In Scrap Auction[March 2020]
18907 WDM-3A KZJD Scrapped Rebuilt by DMW, Patiala. Daulat Ram DBR. No longer shown in holdings - presumed withdrawn or scrapped [January 2020] In Scrap Auction[March 2020]
18908 WDM-3A ABRD Scrapped Rebuilt at DLMW, Patiala In Scrap Auction [February 2021]
18909 WDM-3A KZJD Scrapped Rebuilt at DLMW, Patiala. u/s; 'For repair' [June 2019]; withdrawn due to Railway Board age directive [September 2019]. No longer shown in holdings - presumed withdrawn or scrapped [January 2020] In Scrap Auction[February 2020]
18910 WDM-3A GTLD Scrapped Rebuilt at DLMW, Patiala in May 2005. Air brake only. Retrofitted with Daulat Ram DBR & APU. No longer shown in holdings - presumed withdrawn or scrapped [January 2020] In Scrap Auction[March 2020]
18911 WDM-3A KZJD Scrapped Rebuilt at DLMW, Patiala. Air brake only. Microprocessor fitted. Retrofitted with Daulat Ram DBR & APU. No longer shown in holdings - presumed withdrawn or scrapped [January 2020] In Scrap Auction[March 2020]
18912 WDM-3A KZJD Scrapped Rebuilt at DMW, Patiala in August 2010. u/s; 'For repair' [March 2018]; repaired [May 2018]. Withdrawn due to Railway Board age directive [September 2019]. No longer shown in holdings - presumed withdrawn or scrapped [January 2020] In Scrap Auction[March 2020]
18913 WDM-3A KZJD Scrapped Rebuilt at DLMW, Patiala. Air brake only. No longer shown in holdings - presumed withdrawn or scrapped [January 2020] In Scrap Auction[March 2020]
18914 WDM-3A KZJD Scrapped Rebuilt at DLMW, Patiala. Air brake only. u/s; 'For repair' [June 2019]; withdrawn due to Railway Board age directive [September 2019]. No longer shown in holdings - presumed withdrawn or scrapped [January 2020] In Scrap Auction[February 2020]
18915 WDM-3A KZJD Scrapped Rebuilt at DLMW, Patiala. POH at GOC Workshops in October 2010. u/s; 'For repair' [June 2019]; withdrawn due to Railway Board age directive [September 2019]. No longer shown in holdings - presumed withdrawn or scrapped [January 2020] In Scrap Auction[March 2020]
18916 WDM-3A LDHD Scrapped Rebuilt at DLMW, Patiala in September 2003. No longer in holdings - withdrawn/scrapped? [December 2019]
18917 WDM-3A KZJD Scrapped Rebuilt at DLMW, Patiala. Air brake only. Withdrawn due to Railway Board age directive [September 2019]. No longer shown in holdings - presumed withdrawn or scrapped [January 2020] In Scrap Auction[March 2020]
18918 WDM-3A LDHD Scrapped Rebuilt at DLMW, Patiala. Air brake only. Standard ALCo DBR. Microprocessor fitted. 3100 hp. Restricted to shunting/departmental duties only: "only for shunting" - at UMB [March 2018]. For condemnation [June 2019] In Scrap Auction [January 2021]
18919 WDM-3A AMVD Scrapped Rebuilt at DLMW, Patiala. Air brake only. Solid cowcatcher. No longer shown in holdings - presumed withdrawn [January 2020]
18920 WDM-3A LDHD Scrapped Rebuilt at DLMW, Patiala. No longer in holdings - withdrawn/scrapped? [December 2019] In Scrap Auction [February 2021]
18921 WDM-2 RPDX Scrapped Rebuilt at DLMW, Patiala as WDM-3A, later de-rated to WDM-2. Stored serviceable 'Under GRS' [September 2019]. Overaged; for condemnation [November 2019]. Condemned [August 2020] In Scrap Auction [October 2020]
18922 WDM-3A NKJD Scrapped Rebuilt in DMW, Patiala in October 2007 In Scrap Auction [December 2020]
18923 WDM-3A ETD Scrapped Rebuilt ay DLMW, Patiala. Derated to 2600 HP [February 2011] In Scrap Auction [January 2021]
18924 WDM-3A ETD Scrapped Rebuilt at DLMW, Patiala. Air Brake only In Scrap Auction [January 2021]
18925 WDM-2 PADX Scrapped Fitted with ALCo turbocharger. Rebuilt at DLMW, Patiala as WDM-3A, later derated to WDM-2. Condemned [October 2013]
18926 WDM-3A PADX Scrapped Rebuilt at DLMW, Patiala. Solid cowcatcher. Stored serviceable 'Under GRS' [Spetember 2019]. For 'RE' work [December 2019] Under Scrap Auction [October 2020]
18927 WDM-3A RPDX Scrapped Rebuilt at DLMW, Patiala as a WDM-3C, later reclassified as WDM-3A. Air brake only. Stored serviceable 'Under GRS' [Spetember 2019]. Overaged; for condemnation [November 2019]. Condemned [August 2020] In Scrap Auction [October 2020]
18928 WDM-3A WATD Scrapped Rebuilt at DLMW, Patiala. Overaged; condemned [December 2019] In Scrap Auction [August 2020]
18929 WDM-3A BNDX Scrapped Rebuilt at DLMW, Patiala. Overaged; for condemnation [September 2019]. Condemned [January 2020] Scrapped [Aug 2020]
18930 WDM-3A NKJD Scrapped Rebuilt at DLMW, Patiala. Internal Overhaul (IOH) by DMW Patiala in 2018.
18931 WDM-3A LDHD Scrapped Rebuilt at DLMW, Patiala. Restricted to shunting/departmental duties only; "only for shunting purpose". No longer shown in holdings - withdrawn/scrapped? [November 2019]
18932 WDM-3A WATD Scrapped Rebuilt at DLMW, Patiala. "Unfit For Mainline Service. Fit For VSKP Yard Service Only" [May 2017]; "Inferior Service" [April 2019]. Overaged; condemned [December 2019] In Scrap Auction [August 2020]
18933 WDM-3A CLAD Scrapped Rebuilt at DLMW, Patiala in February 2005. Air brake only. Road number prefixed with '0'; restricted to shunting/departmental duties only In Scrap Auction[October 2020]
18934 WDM-3A ETD Scrapped Rebuilt at DLMW, Patiala in May 2002. Derated to 2600 hp [February 2014]. 'Overaged'; for condemnation [August 2015]
18935 WDM-3A WATD Scrapped Air brake only. Rebuilt at DLMW, Patiala in October 2005.. Retrofitted with Daulat Ram DBR & APU. Overaged; condemned [December 2019] In Scrap Auction [August 2020]
18936 WDM-3A WATD Scrapped Rebuilt at DLMW, Patiala. Involved in collision with Koraput - Rourkela Intercity Express at Bolangir, Orissa, 4th May 2011. For condemnation, June 2011
18937 WDM-3A NKJD Scrapped For condemnation, November 2010
18938 WDM-3A WATD Scrapped Rebuilt at DLMW, Patiala. Overaged; condemned [December 2019] In Scrap Auction [August 2020]
18939 WDM-3A ETD Scrapped Rebuilt at DLMW, Patiala In Scrap Auction [February 2021]
18940 WDM-3A NKJD Scrapped Rebuilt at DLMW, Patiala. Condemned [June 2013]. In scrap auction [February 2017]