Latest Comments

I agree with you Roni... Excellent Photographs!!! Deserves applause!!. Well done Vikas
Posted by Guest on 2004 Mar 09 06:53:28 +0000
Excellent Photographs.. Thats a WDP1 BZA shed.. Does duty on the SC-Mahboobnagar strech ... hauling passengers
Posted by Guest on 2004 Mar 09 06:50:41 +0000
The glowing touch control panel can also be seen through the windscreen.
Posted by Guest on 2004 Mar 09 06:10:31 +0000
just AMAZING pix buddy!!
Posted by Guest on 2004 Mar 09 05:15:54 +0000
sorry to say but sc has a lot of ac action as well depends on the time anyway this shot is near the RRI cabin sc and i and shanky already have a shot of 2 wdp4 in one pic
Posted by Guest on 2004 Mar 09 04:33:47 +0000
Any idea why "SCR" as well as "BZA" written on the loco? Also, any idea why is it written "4p/6p"? - Sandeep Bhate.
Posted by Guest on 2004 Mar 09 04:22:05 +0000
All these formations, typically, have one or two empty flat bed wagons between the loaded wagons and the WDSs, any idea why? - Sandeep Bhate.
Posted by Guest on 2004 Mar 09 04:18:16 +0000
Too good Vikas, the sleepers seem to be very closely placed, are they really? - Sandeep Bhate.
Posted by Guest on 2004 Mar 09 04:10:49 +0000
Just a wiiiild guess, seem to be 56??? wagons and 3 / 4?? locos - Sandeep Bhate.
Posted by Guest on 2004 Mar 09 04:07:09 +0000
Thanks for all these great pics Vikas. This one specially has a too good combination of everything. Did you count the number of wagons? How many locos were in charge? KK line should be given more powerful locos - Sandeep Bhate.
Posted by Guest on 2004 Mar 09 04:03:18 +0000