The view of catch siding from 2007. This is visible in the map from 1929 as the track running over the tunnels 24 and 3 to be parallel to the reversing station. The end of the line can be seen near the numbers “75” This particular track too was a catch siding (though the map does not mention it specifically) – the hillock in the picture shows the remains of a permanent way on the top. For a reference, the regular railway track can be seen in the bottom corner of the picture.
The catch siding can be seen in yet another view from the olden times – this is the hill in the center with the railway track on it. The present day’s NH4 is the zigzag road in the foreground.

Date: 2007-01-18
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Full size: 1024x768

You guys have taken all the pains in trying to explain,pictorially, the Bhor ghats alignment.
I need to repeatedly compare the old maps/pics and the recent ones, to visualize the reversing station. Thanks Apu & AsHIsh!
Posted by PVS Praveen Kumar on 2007 Jan 19 15:25:56 +0000