In response to a query arising from my recent shot of 'Lion' in the First Class Gallery regarding the pulling power of such a loco, I submit this shot taken at the same time. As you can see the old timer was not given an easy life! (mick Pope)

Date: 2005-10-11
Owner: Mick Pope
Full size: 1024x663

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Color Space Uncalibrated Date/Time 2005 Oct 11 00:01:27 +0100

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Regarding Aseem's comment: Khatauli and Daurala are stations on the Saharanpur-Meerut-Delhi section. These sugar factories are close to this line. These NG lines were basically for carrying sugarcane from the fields to the factories, and may not have...
Posted by Ajai Banerji on 2009 Jul 11 14:01:56 +0100
Now THAT is the power of steam!
Posted by M S M Saifullah on 2009 May 23 02:33:43 +0100
was it linked to Delhi Shahdara - Shamli - Sahranpur NG line at any point of time?
Posted by Aseem Johri on 2009 May 22 17:42:35 +0100
Mick....that one is a LION indeed....thanks for answering...
Posted by Milind (guest) on 2009 May 20 14:45:44 +0100
These locomotives were not always fired on coal but a variety of fuel. If you look around, there is some in the picture as well.
Posted by Harsh Vardhan on 2009 May 20 14:25:51 +0100
oops redundant comments and silly question. I didn't see FC image Mick!!
Posted by anant singh (guest) on 2009 May 20 14:24:28 +0100
Old veteran seems to be toiling hard in sugar belt of gangetic plains. Colling Garrat's book suggest that these were a part of BALDWIN make locos made for Imperial army during WW I. Mick could you pl. tell the year this pic was taken.
Posted by anant singh (guest) on 2009 May 20 14:20:17 +0100
The cylinder cocks are open, but the smoke from the stack does not look grey as it is supposed to be, which indicates incomplete combustion of the coal.
Posted by AJ (guest) on 2009 May 20 13:52:13 +0100