Sweet Steam.#1 'Lion' at Upper India Sugar Mills Khatauli in 1980. One of many such locos built by the Baldwin Locomotive Works in 1917 for military service during the First World War and which went on to work in industrial service n India and other places around the world. Happily this loco, or one of its sisters, is now preserved and working in the UK. (Mick Pope)

Date: 2009-05-13
Owner: Mick Pope
Full size: 850x571

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Color Space Uncalibrated Date/Time 2009 May 13 13:34:57 +0100

After seeing the photo in 'Openline' i am stunned by this LION and take back my words...thanks
Posted by Milind on 2009 May 20 16:17:01 +0100
Not so puny -I will post an image on Open Line to demonstrate.Of course the track was very level and the speeds slow due to the condition of the track.
Posted by Mick Pope on 2009 May 20 10:03:58 +0100
Just wondering how much power can this puny lion generate? how many trailers were there behind?
Posted by Milind on 2009 May 20 04:37:46 +0100