Control Cubicle SB2 in WAG9 Loco.The top row is composed of Circuit Breakers for various sub-assemblies while the white enclosure from Siemens is the central fire detection equipment.The two large Circuit Breakers to the left are for Battery charger and Loco Control Circuit respectively.

Date: 2007-12-10
Owner: Khalid Kagzi
Full size: 1280x960

Photo Properties
Summary  Details
Make Canon Model Canon PowerShot A710 IS
Aperture Value f/2.8 Color Space Uncalibrated
Flash Red Eye, Auto-Mode Metering Mode Multi-Segment
Shutter Speed Value 1/60 sec Digital Zoom Ratio 1
Date/Time 2007 Dec 10 12:31:58 +0000

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In fact its the same with the Control Circuit Breaker to the right.Only one pole is utilised.This is probably the safer option to keep the negative permanently grounded to the loco frame to prevent any unwanted potential from appearing on the loco...
Posted by Khalid Kagzi on 2007 Dec 11 04:59:43 +0000