Photographed during the construction of the Doraha - Nalagarh Railway in North West India/Pakistan, 1920-30. Note the two gauges, standard for the railway (North West India Railway) and narrow for the quarry traffic with its own light, 'steam tram' engine.
Of interest to me is the little party of watchers on the left, by a tent. The adult is my grandmother, Aileen Morris, whose husband was an engineer on this project, accompanied by my two 'infant' uncles, Richard and John, and my mother Patricia, then aged about 2.
Photograph sepia on paper. Scanned on Canon flatbed in 1200dpi greyscale, hence loss of brown tint.
--Michael Wilson
Date: 2006-04-30
Owner: Gallery Administrator
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Fascinating picture. The narrow gauge loco looks like one of a number of sentinel verticla boiler machines (about 70 in total) supplied to India in the 1920s for contracting work. Many of these were recorded as going to the Sutlej Valley Project or...
Posted by David Churchill on 2006 May 06 18:17:36 +0100