*NOT* a Wiener Lokomotivfabrik photograph - the odd man out in this album! WP 3024 (renumbered 7024 later) at Fabryka Lokomotyw, Chrzanow, Poland, in 1959. This is a group photograph of employees of "Fablok", Pierwsza Fabryka Lokomotyw w Polsce Spółka Akcyjna ("First Factory of Locomotives in Poland, Ltd."), at Chrzanow, Poland, posing in front of WP 3024, built for export to India (intended for Northern Railway), the 5000th locomotive produced at Fablok. The technical director of Fablok, Klemens Stefan Sielecki, is sixth from left in the front row, with hat in hand. Photographer is unknown, but this is a scan of a copy of the photograph found in a family archive by Wikipedia conbtributor Stanislawow and released into the public domain. Included in the collection of scans provided to IRFCA by Dieter Zoubek, Michael Hirsch, and Santulan Mahanta.