All Locos

Found 7 matches based on your search.
Loco No. Loco Class Shed Code Status Comments
19046 WDS-4 NIL Scrapped Former WDS-3 class: rebuilt to WDS4B standards with new engines and simplified transmissions and reclassified during 1976-78
19047 WDS-4 NIL Scrapped Former WDS-3 class: rebuilt to WDS4B standards with new engines and simplified transmissions and reclassified during 1976-78
19048 WDS-4 NIL Scrapped Former WDS-3 class: rebuilt to WDS4B standards with new engines and simplified transmissions and reclassified during 1976-78
19049 WDS-4 NIL Scrapped Former WDS-3 class: rebuilt to WDS4B standards with new engines and simplified transmissions and reclassified during 1976-78
19050 WDS-4 SSB Scrapped Former WDS-3 class: rebuilt to WDS4B standards with new engines and simplified transmissions and reclassified during 1976-78. Assumed now scrapped.
19051 WDS-4 NIL Scrapped Former WDS-3 class: rebuilt to WDS4B standards with new engines and simplified transmissions and reclassified during 1976-78. Seen in the Documentary on the Research, Design, and Standards Organization (RDSO) of IR (Hindi, ca. 1965) at 5:34
19052 WDS-4 NIL Scrapped Former WDS-3 class: rebuilt to WDS4B standards with new engines and simplified transmissions and reclassified during 1976-78