All Locos

Found 423 matches based on your search.
Loco No. Loco Class Shed Code Status Comments
11519 WDM-3D KJMD In Service Air brake only. Daulat Ram DBR. Has APU grilles but no APU. KNORR braking system fitted. 'BRT work' [March 2018]; 'RDSO t, BT, RE work' [August 2018]
11520 WDM-3D KJMD In Service Air brake only. Daulat Ram DBR. Has APU grilles but no APU. KNORR braking system fitted. u/s; 'For repair' [November 2015]; repaired [December 2015]. u/s; 'For repair' [July 2019]; repaired [October 2019]
11521 WDM-3D KJMD In Service Air brake only. Daulat Ram DBR. Has APU grilles but no APU. KNORR braking system fitted
11522 WDM-3D KJMD In Service Air brake only. Daulat Ram DBR. Has APU grilles but no APU. KNORR braking system fitted. For condemnation [March 2018]. Still in service [March 2019]
12021 WDG-4 KJMD In Service Air brake only. Constructed at DLW from EMD kit. POH at GOC [December 2017] - first HHP loco to undergo POH at GOC,AEB Fitted
12025 WDG-4 KJMD In Service Air brake only. AEB fitted. Repainted in June 2016. u/s; for repair [July 2017]; returned to service [September 2017]
12026 WDG-4 KJMD Withdrawn Air brake only. AEB fitted, it was transferred to GOC to be converted into WAG-11, now currently plinthed at Tondiarpet Marshalling Yard (2021)
12027 WDG-4 KJMD Withdrawn Air brake only. AEB fitted. Repainted into KJM's new livery [August 2016]
12028 WDG-4 KJMD In Service Air brake only. AEB fitted. First KJM WDG4 to get new livery for HHP locos
12029 WDG-4 KJMD In Service Air brake only. AEB fitted. Repainted into KJM's new livery, May 2016. OG cabs.
12030 WDG-4 KJMD In Service Air brake only. AEB fitted. Transferred to KJM in mid 2016. Repainted into KJM's new livery in Jan/Feb 2017. OG Cabs.
12037 WDG-4 KJMD In Service Air brake only. AEB fitted. Repaired; accident damage, 08/2010
12107 WDG-4 KJMD In Service Air brake only
12133 WDG-4 KJMD In Service IGBT & 4000hp. Air brake only
12143 WDG-4 KJMD In Service Air brake only
12146 WDG-4 KJMD In Service Air brake only
12148 WDG-4 KJMD In Service Air brake only. POH [summer 2014]
12149 WDG-4 KJMD In Service Air brake only. u/s; for repair [October 2017]; repaired [November 2017]
12150 WDG-4 KJMD In Service Air brake only. u/s; for repair [October 2017]; repaired [November 2017]
12151 WDG-4 KJMD In Service Air brake only
12377 WDG-4 KJMD In Service IGBT & 4500hp. Air brake only. Widened cab profile. u/s; 'For repair' [August 2013]; repaired [November 2013]
12545 WDG-4 KJMD In Service IGBT & 4500hp. Air brake only. Widened cab profile
12555 WDG-4 KJMD In Service IGBT & 4500hp. Air brake only. Widened cab profile
12637 WDG-4 KJMD In Service IGBT & 4500hp. Air brake only. Widened cab profile. u/s; for repair [August 2017]; returned to service [September 2017]
12639 WDG-4 KJMD In Service IGBT & 4500hp. Air brake only. Widened cab profile
12647 WDG-4 KJMD In Service IGBT & 4500hp. Air brake only. Widened cab profile with larger windows
12655 WDG-4 KJMD In Service IGBT & 4500hp. Air brake only. Widened cab profile
12704 WDG-4 KJMD In Service IGBT & 4500hp. Air brake only. Widened cab profile
12734 WDG-4 KJMD In Service IGBT & 4500hp. Air brake only. Widened cab profile with larger windows. u/s; for repair [August 2016]; repaired [February 2017]
13030 WDG-3A KJMD Scrapped Condemned in March 2022. In Scrap Auction March 2022
13031 WDG-3A KJMD Withdrawn Dual brake. POH at GOC Workshops in October 2011. Derated to shunting/departmental duties only; renumbered 013031 [July 2016]. Loco is yet to be scrapped, used for Alco spares.
13034 WDG-3A KJMD Scrapped Air brake only. For condemnation [March 2018]; still in service [March 2019]. Condemned in March 2022. In Scrap Auction March 2022
13035 WDG-3A KJMD Withdrawn Dual brake. POH at GOC workshops in October 2011. 'BRT work' [March 2018]; 'RDSO t, BT, RE work' [August 2018]. Condemned in March 2022. In Scrap Auction March 2022. Sold to BMM Ispat Limited, Hospet.
13037 WDG-3A KJMD Withdrawn Dual brake. EMD style headlamps. Fitted with real time GPRS for data transmission. 'BRT work' [March 2018]; 'RDSO t, BT, RE work' [August 2018] Condemned at KjM shed. Condemned in March 2022. In Scrap Auction March 2022. Sold to JSW Steel Ltd, TNGL
13038 WDG-3A KJMD Withdrawn Dual brake. POH at GOC Workshops in January 2012. 'BRT work' [March 2018]; 'RDSO t, BT, RE work' [August 2018]. Condemned in March 2022. In Scrap Auction March 2022. Sold to JSW Steel Ltd, TNGL
13043 WDG-3A KJMD Scrapped Condemned in March 2022. In Scrap Auction March 2022
13049 WDG-3A KJMD Scrapped Dual brake. For condemnation [March 2018]; still in service [March 2019]. Condemned in March 2022. In Scrap Auction March 2022
13053 WDG-3A KJMD Scrapped Condemned in March 2022. In Scrap Auction March 2022
13054 WDG-3A KJMD Scrapped Dual brake. Condemned in March 2022. In Scrap Auction March 2022
13056 WDG-3A KJMD Scrapped Dual brake. POH at GOC in January 2012. 'BRT work' [March 2018]; 'RDSO t, BT, RE work' [August 2018]. Condemned in March 2022. In Scrap Auction March 2022
13118 WDG-3A KJMD Withdrawn Air brake only. Fitted with "Dual LED Lamps" near coupler for working Subramanya - Sakleshpur Ghat section. Only for RE/BT. Condemned in Nov'24. In Sale Auction Jan'25
13243 WDG-3A KJMD Withdrawn Air brake only. Condemned in Nov'24. In Sale Auction Jan'25
13249 WDG-3A KJMD Withdrawn Air brake only. POH at GOC, November 2013. Additional low level headlamp for working Ghat sections. Condemned in Nov'24
13256 WDG-3A KJMD Scrapped Air brake only. 'BRT work' [March 2018]; 'RDSO t, BT, RE work' [August 2018] In Scrap Auction [April 2021]
13260 WDG-3A KJMD In Service Air brake only. Involved in UBL-MRJ Passenger derailment near Belgaum on 01/10/12. Subsequently repaired at GOC workshops and back in service [July 2013]. Mesh type cowcatcher. u/s; 'for repair' [May 2016]; 'repaired' [July 2016]. u/s; 'For Repair' [December 2016]; repaired [February 2017] Loco is not scrapped. Used for shunting inside DLS KJM
13261 WDG-3A KJMD In Service Air brake only. 'BRT work' [March 2018]; 'RDSO t, BT, RE work' [August 2018] Loco lying in Koparkharine Coaching Depot for condemnation In Scrap Auction [April 2021]
13263 WDG-3A KJMD Withdrawn Air brake only. Fitted with an additional light near coupler for working Subramanya - Sakleshpur Ghat section. Condemned in Nov'24
13267 WDG-3A KJMD In Service Air brake only
13268 WDG-3A KJMD Withdrawn Air brake only. Condemned in Nov'24
13270 WDG-3A KJMD Withdrawn Air brake only. Condemned in Nov'24