All Locos

Found 497 matches based on your search.
Loco No. Loco Class Shed Code Status Comments
20650 WAM-4 DDUE Scrapped Air brake only. TAO659 TMs. POH at KPA, 12/01/2005. Under condemnation [February 2014]
20651 WAM-4 TATE Scrapped Condemned in February 2013
20652 WAM-4 AJJE Scrapped Air brake only. TAO659 TMs. POH at PER, 22/09/2010. No longer in holding, assume scrapped [August 2014]
20653 WAM-4 WATE Scrapped Not in holding; assumed withdrawn, likely scrapped [August 2013]. Gear ratio 21:68
20654 WAM-4 ETE Scrapped
20655 WAM-4 DDUE Scrapped Air brake only. TAO659 TMs. POH at KPA, 11/04/2008. Under condemnation [February 2014]
20656 WAM-4 AJJE Scrapped Not in holding; assumed withdrawn, likely scrapped [August 2013]
20657 WAM-4 DDUE Scrapped Under condemnation [March 2013]
20658 WAM-4 BSLL Scrapped 6P. Air brake only. TAO659 TMs. POH at BSL, 08/06/2005. Under condemnation [March 2014]
20659 WAM-4 ETE Scrapped Air brake only. TAO659 TMs. POH at DHD, 03/01/2004. No longer in holdings; assumed withdrawn [November 2015]. Scrapped [November 2015]
20660 WAM-4 TATE Scrapped Not in holding; assumed withdrawn, likely scrapped [August 2013]
20661 WAM-4 TATE Scrapped Condemned in October 2013
20662 WAM-4 TATE Scrapped Air brake only. 6P. High speed capable. Condemned in January 2014
20663 WAM-4 AJJE Scrapped Not in holding; assumed withdrawn, likely scrapped [August 2013]
20664 WAM-4 DDUE Scrapped Air brake only. TAO659 TMs. POH at LKO, 10/04/2007. Under condemnation [February 2014]
20665 WAM-4 DDUE Scrapped Condemned; fire damage [19/02/2009]. Scrapped in June 2009
20666 WAM-4 ETE Scrapped Air brake only. Alsthom TAO659 TMs. MU capable. POH at KPA, 19/03/2010. No longer in holdings; assumed withdrawn [November 2015]. Scrapped [November 2015]
20667 WAM-4 WATE Scrapped Air brake only. TAO659 TMs. POH at KPA, 09/02/2007. Under condemnation [August 2014]
20668 WAM-4 BSLL Scrapped 6P. Air brake only. Alsthom TAO659 TMs. Fit for BT service. POH at BSL, 31/05/2008. Under condemnation {October 2015]
20669 WAM-4 DDUE Scrapped Air brake only. TAO659 TMs. POH at BSL, 10/08/2006. Under condemnation [April 2014]
20670 WAM-4 TATE Scrapped Not in holding; assumed withdrawn, likely scrapped [August 2013]
20671 WAM-4 AJJE Scrapped Not in holding; assumed withdrawn, likely scrapped [August 2013]
20672 WAM-4 TATE Scrapped No longer in holding, likely scrapped
20673 WAM-4 TATE Scrapped No longer in holding, likely scrapped
20674 WAM-4 AJJE Scrapped No longer in holding, likely scrapped
20675 WAM-4 TATE Scrapped No longer in holding, likely scrapped
20676 WAM-4 NIL Scrapped
20677 WAM-4 BRCE Scrapped 6P. DBR provided. MU capable. Under condemnation [May 2014]
20678 WAM-4 DDUE Scrapped Air brake only. TAO659 TMs. POH at KPA, 03/04/2008. Under condemnation [April 2014]
20679 WAM-4 DDUE Scrapped Air brake only. TAO659 TMs. POH at KPA, 18/05/2004. Under condemnation [February 2014]
20680 WAM-4 WATE Scrapped 6P. Air brake only. TAO659 TMs. POH at CB/LKO, 07/06/2005. Under Condemnation [November 2014]. Gear ratio 21:58
20681 WAM-4 BIAE Scrapped Air brake only. TAO659 TMs. POH at KGP, 28/08/2002. Under Condemnation [November 2014]
20682 WAM-4 ETE Scrapped Air brake only. POH at BSL, 25/08/2007. Under condemnation [May 2016]. Scrapped [December 2016]
20683 WAM-4 NIL Scrapped
20684 WAM-4 WATE Scrapped Air brake only. Alsthom TAO659 traction motors. Gear Ratio 21:58. MU capable. POH at PER, 01/02/2009. No longer in holding, likely withdrawn [December 2014]
20685 WAM-4 TATE Scrapped Condemned in January 2014, but not released yet. Used for shunting/departmental duties only
20686 WAM-4 ETE Scrapped Air brake only. MU capable. TAO659 TMs. POH at KPA, 25/03/2009. Under condemnation [May 2016]. In scrap auction [January 2017]
20687 WAM-4 TATE Scrapped Air brake only. TAO659 TMs. Vertical DBR. POH at KGP, 14/12/2008. No longer in holding; likely scrapped [June 2014]
20688 WAM-4 TATE Scrapped No longer in holding, likely scrapped
20689 WAM-4 AJJE Scrapped Air brake only. Alsthom TAO659 TMs. POH at PER, 13/02/2008. No longer in holding, likely scrapped
20690 WAM-4 TKDE Scrapped Air brake only. 6P. MU capable. TAO659 TMs. POH at KPA, 23/01/2007. No longer in holdings; assumed withdrawn [November 2015]
20691 WAM-4 ETE Scrapped Air brake only. MU capable. TAO659 TMs. POH at KPA, 29/12/2008. Fitted with rear-view mirrors. Under condemnation [May 2016]. In scrap auction [February 2017]
20692 WAM-4 WATE Scrapped '6P'. Air brake only. TAO659 TMs. POH at CB/LKO, 26/07/2005. No longer in holding, likely withdrawn [December 2014]
20693 WAM-4 WATE Scrapped Air brake only. Gear ratio 21:58. MU capable. TAO659 TMs. POH at PER, 26/07/2009. No longer in holding, likely withdrawn [December 2014]
20694 WAM-4 DDUE Scrapped Air brake only. TAO659 TMs. POH at KPA, 02/05/2008. Under condemnation [April 2014]
20695 WAM-4 ETE Scrapped Air Brake Only. MU Capable. POH at KPA, 07/04/2009. Under condemnation [May 2016]. In scrap auction [March 2017]
20696 WAM-4 TATE Scrapped Air brake only. TAO659 TMs. Vertical DBR. POH at PER, 20/03/2007. No longer in holding; likely scrapped [June 2014]
20697 WAM-4 NIL Scrapped
20698 WAM-4 BSLL Scrapped 6P. Air brake only. TAO659 TMs. MU capable. Fitted with rear view mirrors. POH at BSL, 17/04/2009. "Fit for BT Service" - inferior duties like departmental ballast trains. Under condemnation {October 2015]
20699 WAM-4 ETE Scrapped Air brake only. MU capable. TAO659 TMs. POH at BSL, 02/11/2006. Last WAM-4 in the 20xxx series. Under condemnation [May 2016]. In scrap auction [July 2017]