Loco Details

Loco No. 23377
Loco Class WAG-5
Sub Class
Shed Vishakapatnam Electric Loco Shed (WATE)
Manufacturer CLW
Manufacturer Serial No.
Date of Manufacture 1989-07-16
Loco Name
Status Scrapped
Old Loco Class WAG-5D, WAG-5P
Livery Brown/Blue with yellow Stripes and lightning bolts
Comments Air brake only. WAG-5P. TAO659 TMs. Microprocessor controlled. Vertical DBR. POH at PER, 01/09/2004. POH+RC at KPA, 05/11/2013. Gear Ratio 21:58. Condemned in Oct'24. In Scrap Auction Nov'24

Loco Shed History

Loco 23377 WAG-5 earlier belonged to the following sheds.

2 Vishakapatnam Diesel Loco Shed

Loco Details Change History

Loco Detail Changed From To Date Spotted By
Comments Air brake only. WAG-5P. TAO659 TMs. Microprocessor controlled. Vertical DBR. POH at PER, 01/09/2004. POH+RC at KPA, 05/11/2013 Air brake only. WAG-5P. TAO659 TMs. Microprocessor controlled. Vertical DBR. POH at PER, 01/09/2004. POH+RC at KPA, 05/11/2013. Gear Ratio 21:58. 2022-12-23 Pranit N Gawand
Shed Id WATD WATE 2023-10-10 Jaico Davis
Status In Service Withdrawn 2024-12-13 Jaico Davis
Comments Air brake only. WAG-5P. TAO659 TMs. Microprocessor controlled. Vertical DBR. POH at PER, 01/09/2004. POH+RC at KPA, 05/11/2013. Gear Ratio 21:58. Air brake only. WAG-5P. TAO659 TMs. Microprocessor controlled. Vertical DBR. POH at PER, 01/09/2004. POH+RC at KPA, 05/11/2013. Gear Ratio 21:58. Condemned in Oct'24 2024-12-13 Jaico Davis
Status Withdrawn Scrapped 2024-12-18 Jaico Davis
Comments Air brake only. WAG-5P. TAO659 TMs. Microprocessor controlled. Vertical DBR. POH at PER, 01/09/2004. POH+RC at KPA, 05/11/2013. Gear Ratio 21:58. Condemned in Oct'24 Air brake only. WAG-5P. TAO659 TMs. Microprocessor controlled. Vertical DBR. POH at PER, 01/09/2004. POH+RC at KPA, 05/11/2013. Gear Ratio 21:58. Condemned in Oct'24. In Scrap Auction Nov'24 2024-12-18 Jaico Davis

Archived Loco Details Change History

Loco Detail Changed From To Date Spotted By
Shed Code BZA VSKP 2008-09-05 Shanx
Comments Air brake only. TAO659 traction motors. Gear Ratio 17:77. Horizontal DBR. POH at PER, 01/09/2004 2013-10-24
Sub Class D P 2017-01-06 Dan Cross
Old Loco Class WAG-5D 2017-01-06 Dan Cross
Comments Air brake only. TAO659 traction motors. Gear Ratio 17:77. Horizontal DBR. POH at PER, 01/09/2004 Air brake only. WAG-5P. TAO659 TMs. Microprocessor controlled. Vertical DBR. POH at PER, 01/09/2004. POH+RC at KPA, 05/11/2013 2017-01-06 Dan Cross
Sub Class P 2019-07-15 VIKAS KUMAR
Old Loco Class WAG-5D WAG-5D, WAG-5P 2019-07-15 VIKAS KUMAR
Livery Brown/black with lightning bolts 2019-07-15 VIKAS KUMAR
Livery Brown/black with lightning bolts Brown/Blue with yellow Stripes and lightning bolts 2020-03-22 VIKAS KUMAR
