SNF report

by Vrijilesh Rai


Yesterday afternoon, me and Lakshman ventured out for some loco spotting. Here's a lowdown of what transpired:

I reached SC at about 1420, just missing the WDP4 led Palnadu exp. Saw a WAM4 and a WDP4 idling on the siding beside pf1 on the KZJ end. I trundled to the HYB end and saw the SC-Rajkot exp waiting for departure at PF1 with GY Baldie beauty. The Satavahana which had come in the morning was still attached to the old LGD WAP4 was on pf4. Soon, Golconda arrived on pf2 led by a BZA WAM4.

Then went across towards the pf8 where a wonderful sight was waiting. A WAP5 which had brought in the SC Raj yesterday was sitting beside a WDP4. The two locos were exactly beside each other on adjacent lines, adn the view from the DP4's SH side was amazing. Sorry, no snaps.

By this time Lakshman joined me and we saw a couple of GY 3As and some MLY DM2s sleeping, and the Rajkot exp pulling off soon. We picked up our tickets towards Bharatnagar, and soon were back to examine the Boss WAP5 closely. Some moments were spent admiring "The Boss and The Beast" together.

Something about the Beast:

  • Loco Number: 20006
  • Model: GT46PAC
  • Manufacturer: EMD, General Motors
  • Manufactured at: London, Canada.
  • Serial Number: 968713-7
  • Commisioning date: Jan 2001.

The paint job on 20006 is the worst of the lot, and has started rusting and stickers coming off. The locos too are not being cleaned properly. How much effort is needed to put some water on the loco, but still no one does that. Many times we have seen the rake being brand new and spanking clean and the loco dirty to the core. Something needs to be done.

Considering that the 6th DP4 came in Jan01, and the 13th in May 04, isn't the production way behind schedule. And whatever happened to the 14th guy who was supposed to be out of DLW?

Now something about the Boss:

  • Loco Number: 30010
  • Shed: Ghaziabad
  • Manufactured by: ABB
  • Commissioning year: 1995

The loco looks wonderful in its current livery, but the cleanliness has something to be talked off. The loco was dead and there was not a soul near it. Apparently, no SC staff venture to do anything to the loco. Just drive it in and drive it out. The undercarriage is well designed and the parts are well shaped and do not appear to jut out of the sides. They are hidden well inside. But age seems to be creeping on as some parts seem to be developing cracks and many small parts have been changed. The bogies were still original, the suspension looked fantastic but the dampers seemed to have undergone replacement. A few pipes which were broken/ ripped up were indegeniously and ingeniously repaired by tying them up with rope or plastic thread. The cowcatcher and surrounding areas were as dirty as can be, and had distinct signs of bird and animal hits. Blood stains too were conspicuous. The manufacturer mark ABB logo was prominently displayed beside the cab doors indicating that this one is an original piece.

  • Bogies: Henschel Flexifloat Bogies
  • Bogies were original ones, numbers: 1995 WAP5 14 Manf Aug95 ; 1995 WAP5 22 Manf Sep 95
  • Compressor Manf: Davies and Metcalfe England Romiley
  • Compressor speed: 730 rpm
  • Delivery pressure: 10 Bars
  • Displacement: 2330 Nm

The Dampers on the suspensions had apparently been replaced during the POH recently. They were manufactured in Dec 2002 and Jun 2003.

There is a round structure beside the pantos on top of the cabs. Whats that for?

Now for more action. We went to pf6, from where our local to BTNR was stabled. Tried to get an FP but were denied. Soon got the reason. The AME and two more guys were getting aboard. Last time we tried for the FP, the same AME was aboard. I guess he hitches a ride back home at that time!!

And so, for some more textbook style EMU driving. At JET, we passed the 20003 led Chennai exp, and at SJVP, we accosted a pair of fast moving WAP4s moving towards SC. HSJ was crossed slowly. There is a 15kmph limit on the small bridge before the crossing towards BMT. We passed all that at 15 and also the points just before BMT. As soon as we crossed the point and entered the station, we accelarated to about 40kmph and then again came to a halt within 100mts.

Passed NCHS, FAN and ripped past SNF. From FAN to SNF was done at a max allowed of 80kmph. We passed a set of LGD WAG5s leaving towards MLY with a BCNA rake. Just beside us then was a coal-loaded BOXN rake with a WDG4 in charge. AS we reached BTNR, we saw two rare visitors to this area. WAG5As from Bhilai. Got down and trundled towards SNF as an MLY WDM2 was shunting a BCNA rake. At SNF outer, waited for some time near the trip sheds. The electric shed had two LGD WAG5s and the diesel one had two KZJ WDM2As including a Raj special one. Then came the sight of the day. The WDG4 in blue-grey livery started. On a line where a part of the rake was on an up and part on a down gradient, the 'Super Beast' started magnificiently. Slowly generating power, with minimal smoke action, he started. As he picked up spped, the most amazing sight was the sanding effect. The automatic sanders on the loco were functioning beautifully, and as the sand was churned below the wheels, the remaining powder was dusted aside to give a smoking effect. Small clouds of dust emanating from the wheels as the lococharged ahead. It soon came to speed and raced away at about 40-50kmph even before half the rake was past us. The rake soon disappeared into the sun, the sand clouds still visible, giving the scene a rustic beauty. It made our day. We moved towards SNF station as the HYB-Chittapur pass arrived with a PA WDM2. We had some cold Aloo-bondas at the station tea stall and watched some high speed EMU action thru the platform line. I wanted to have some tea, and on spotting some Kulhars at the stall, wanted to make use of some LPY stuff. But the stall incharge dissuaded me from using them saying they were not good, never used, and all the stuff, and gave tea in a cup instead.

Soon a JHS WAG5HB came in with a BOXN empty rake and got busy shunting. We had by thenstarted admiring the Bhilai beauties in front of us. One was in a yellow-violet livery and the other in a Maroon-Black one. They were superb to look at. Beside them was a WDG4 idling. It was an original piece in the mustard-white-mustard livery.

It was time to leave and we went to the BTNR station again and as we waited for our local, saw a GTL 2A lead out the Rayalaseema/Haripriya exp. Soon a WDM2B set of KZJ brought in an empty BOXN rake to SNF from RC side. A GY WDM3A then charged away with the KCG-MMR exp.

We then got a call from Shanx who informed us that his cousin had met with an accident and was at the Care Hospital in Banjara Hills. The next local took us to BMT and we took an auto rickshaw to meet Shanx. And as usual we started talking trains,a nd describing him what we saw. Then trundled back home to some good sleep.

Locos spotted:

  • 20518R GY WDM3A
  • 17601 KJM WDM2 (the A of 2A has been painted off)
  • 20518 BZA WAM4
  • 20013 UBL WDP4
  • 16551 MLY WDM2
  • 18761R GY WDM3A
  • 14023 GY WDM3A (SC-Rajkot exp.) Is this train entirely diesel hauled?
  • 18201 MLY WDM2
  • 16549 KZJ WDM2 Raj Special
  • 22202 LGD WAP4
  • 14032 GY WDM3A Baldie
  • 30010 GZB WAP5
  • 20006 UBL WDP4
  • 18804R VSKP WDM3A
  • 17696 MLY WDM2
  • 21271 BZA WAM4
  • 17117 KJM WDM2
  • 18215 MLY WDM2
  • 17548 KZJ WDM2A Raj special
  • 17505 KZJ WDM2A
  • 24421 LGD WAG5
  • 24434 LGD WAG5
  • 12037 UBL WDG4
  • 17239 PA WDM2A
  • 18539 KZJ WDM2A Pista-white-red livery
  • 23200 BIA WAG5
  • 23448 BIA WAG5
  • 12021 UBL WDG4
  • 24051 JHS WAG5
  • 16336 GTL WDM2A
  • 16553 KZJ WDM2B
  • 16602 KZJ WDM2B

Earlier in the morning, I saw a set of MLY WDM2s Mued at KQD going towards HYB. Dint understand why they needed MUing and also which trains do they needed to haul in the morning. One of the assumptions was that Sabari may get them, but that was not to be as both the outgoing and incoming Sabaris were led by WDP4s. Or were they being sent for regular shunting? Then why MU?

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