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Vaigai or the passenger?
Posted by Jimmy Jose on 2007 Jun 10 09:43:48 +0100
It is a nice shot too!
Posted by Jimmy Jose on 2007 Jun 10 08:43:16 +0100
During non railway time, they may sell their products at some railway gates (Pachakuppam gate in the BG section is only a few kilometers from here)
Posted by Jimmy Jose on 2007 Jun 10 08:40:52 +0100
Way back in 1994, I took the very train from KPD to Arani to visit my friend's home. I got down at this station and proceeded to his house at Polur, a nearby village by auto
Posted by Jimmy Jose on 2007 Jun 10 08:39:28 +0100
The name board is from SIR days. What are those buildings in the background?
Posted by Jimmy Jose on 2007 Jun 10 08:35:38 +0100
Nope, 3!
Posted by Siddhartha Ganesh on 2007 Jun 06 16:31:45 +0100
Only 2 coaches?
Posted by Jimmy Jose on 2007 Jun 06 14:59:01 +0100
No Ashwin, i was so excited on taking a video, forgot to tell someone to go on the other side and take a picture.
Posted by Siddhartha Ganesh on 2007 Jun 05 12:44:08 +0100
Good photo!
Have one of you got the other angle? WAP4 in the front and the WDM2 from behind?
Posted by S Ashwin on 2007 Jun 05 10:56:12 +0100
Don't cry, little one. If you are lucky you may move to a new life in Malaysia and irfca will keep track of you there as well.
Posted by Ajai Banerji on 2007 Jun 05 08:38:15 +0100