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It was suffering from over work!
Posted by Siddhartha Ganesh on 2007 Jun 05 06:35:15 +0100
Hats off to BBQ and AJJ,the WAP-1 shines bright but i assume it struggled with the 21 coach lalbagh load that day.
Posted by Ashwanth on 2007 Jun 05 05:53:57 +0100
If true, then I can catch auto rickshaw and reach my destination four hours before train reaches it. It does not sound right!
Posted by Prakash Tendulkar on 2007 Jun 05 04:50:06 +0100
South India Darshan
It is now I realize that what I missed by not going with all of you for this MG trip.
Posted by Samar on 2007 Jun 04 20:04:33 +0100