Krishnarajapuram's WDP4 #20058 is in-charge of the Udyan Express as it rolls towards Lonavla in style with two powerful marker lamps and an extremely powerful twin-beam headlight.(Jattin Bhavsar) (Harsh Dinesh)

Date: 2008-07-30
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Full size: 1024x768

Akshay, the pic has been taken by Jatin Bhavsar and has been uploaded by me as I was entrusted the job of uploading the pics taken by everyone - Harsh Dinesh
Posted by Gallery Administrator on 2008 Jul 31 08:16:54 +0100
Great pic. Who exactly is the photographer of images having the tag "(Jattin Bhavsar) (Harsh Dinesh)" at the end?
Posted by Akshay Marathe on 2008 Jul 30 18:17:18 +0100