Headlamps blazing, the WCAM-3 pulls the 6012 Chennai - Mumbai express from tunnel #25 (tunnel #2 in this map) in the Bhore ghats using the middle line. Note the red flag on the up line - this track was blocked for maintenance till 1400 hrs. Monkey Hill, 2004-02-14. By Apurva (iti@vsnl.com).

Date: 2004-02-17
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Full size: 800x638

The is closed by the railways, so no train would be sent on this track. The red flag is to warn the departmental works train that is on this track to distribute the material that gangmen are working on this line ahead.
Posted by Guest on 2004 Feb 18 18:09:21 +0000
Don't they have better ways of communicating that a line is blocked for maintenance than by just placing a wimpy little red flag on the line???
Posted by Guest on 2004 Feb 18 14:42:59 +0000