The 7032 express arrives at Tata Bridge - note the concrete structure that envelopes the massive water pipes that carry water from the Valvan dam to the Khopoli hydel generation station. The driver of the ’32 Up was very cross with us for taking pics of his train. Tata Bridge, 2004-04-17. By Apurva (

Date: 2004-04-19
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Full size: 1024x757

Hey apurva kharad if you guys get a chance do post the pic for MHOW to KHANDWA metre gauge line MHOW is near indore in MP i got a chance to vist that place last time i was in india its a one helluva scene there
Posted by Guest on 2004 Apr 20 22:38:59 +0100
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aww well thast too bad for these loco drivers who will even talk to these guys otherwise if its not for a small group of Rail fans.. typical mentality of trying to impose their power on innocent bystanders like us who just want a pic thats all! hey u...
Posted by Guest on 2004 Apr 20 22:36:01 +0100

The driver was not worried about having a run over type of accident, we are at quite a safe distance from his train. He was upset at being photographed. Some of the IR is like that.
Posted by Guest on 2004 Apr 20 06:02:35 +0100
Hey xian, even i've been the recepeint or rude looks and stern questioning by an IR Driver...right Apurva???
Posted by Guest on 2004 Apr 20 04:30:28 +0100
obviously if u had come under his train he would be blamed or rather live with the guilt of cuttin up a human being, all his life
Posted by Guest on 2004 Apr 19 23:53:52 +0100