Frankly, our skewed yet determined aims of railfanning do take some getting used to - specially in a small town like Chiplun. The cost of the Rickshaw hauling four grown men to the Vashisti river = Rs. 150/-; The look on the face of the Rickshaw driver at the station when he was told that we wanted to "See the Rajdhani" = Priceless! 18th April 2008.

Date: 2008-04-27
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Full size: 1024x557

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Color Space Uncalibrated Date/Time 2008 Apr 26 20:46:58 +0100

Wow! The WDP3A looks so puny compared to the lengths of the coaches!
There are some things money cant buy.. this is one of them!
Posted by Karan Desai on 2008 Apr 28 04:10:57 +0100
...........for everything else you need Mastercard.LOL
Posted by Aseem Johri on 2008 Apr 27 14:29:29 +0100
For rail fan bridge survey we have rickshaws for everything else there is IR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Posted by Lakshman Thodla on 2008 Apr 27 14:05:30 +0100