Dual semaphores welcome our train Jabalpur-Nainpur-Nagpur passenger to Kukrapara station. What could be the purpose of 2 semaphores? (Satish Gune)

Date: 2012-02-25
Owner: Satish Gune
Full size: 1024x663

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The are two types semaphores on single mast. The upper one being the "Home" signal and the lower one being the "Warner" signal, which has its arm painted in yellow and has a ">" cut on the arm. If both the Home and Warner are down, that means the train ...
Posted by Anurag Bist on 2012 Feb 29 20:35:32 +0000
There is a point just after the semaphore. I suppose this might be acting as proceed signal to a particular train if both lines are occupied.
Posted by Anant K Singh on 2012 Feb 28 05:18:31 +0000
nice pic!!
Posted by Bhaveen Patel on 2012 Feb 27 16:53:17 +0000