The morning light adds charm to the beautiful small station called Darimeta as a twin WAG 5 hauled BOXN rake heads towards the north of the country. (Sid)

Date: 2012-02-19
Owner: Siddhartha Ganesh
Full size: 1280x829

Photo Properties
Summary  Details
Make Canon Model Canon EOS 50D
Aperture Value f/5.7 Color Space sRGB
Exposure Program Aperture Priority Flash No Flash
ISO 400 Metering Mode Multi-Segment
Shutter Speed Value 1/260 sec Date/Time 2012 Feb 19 07:16:23 +0000

wow!! nice shot, both the locos have their Front pantos up, i have seldom seen such action elsewhere in the country, can anyone explain why as such?
Posted by Adithya V on 2012 Feb 23 03:05:05 +0000