Sweet Steam. Daurala Sugar Works Meerut. #1 a modern 0-6-0 tank+tender built in Scotland by Andrew Barclay in 1958.Photographed in 1980, although immaculate like the other 4 locos here at the time they were not in use and sadly I think they went for scrap.Surely today they would have found a willing buyer and be earning a living at a heritage site? (Mick Pope)

Date: 2009-05-13
Owner: Mick Pope
Full size: 850x567

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Color Space Uncalibrated Date/Time 2009 May 12 22:33:07 +0100

Wonderful and delightful loco. 2" gauge? It looks as if it is brand new
Posted by Jimmy Jose on 2009 May 18 15:27:45 +0100
A rare tank locomotive that also has a tender. Many thanks for sharing these lovely images.
Posted by Apurva Bahadur on 2009 May 16 02:45:50 +0100