A wonderful location on the shore of Chilka Lake sees a SER WP haul # 80 Tirupati-Puri Express northbound in the late afternoon.1987-01-02

Date: 2005-11-13
Owner: John Lacey
Full size: 1024x687

Yes, you are quite right. Late afternoon-the light did keep changing though. The train is northbound.
Posted by John Lacey on 2005 Nov 18 19:05:00 +0000
Looks like an early morning (or late evening) shot. They usually turn out to be the best because of the bright lighting. Plus I suppose John to the pains to walk up a hill of some sort to take this photo. I suppose such efforts usually pay off very well.
Posted by Prasanna Padmanabhan on 2005 Nov 18 11:49:43 +0000
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Many thanks for the compliments!
The camera was a 1980 Pentax ME Super with a 80-200 Takumar zoom lens; film Kodachrome 64.
Bizzy, yes this is the location I described as being about 5 kms south of Khallikot: I walked down the tracks. The...
Posted by John Lacey on 2005 Nov 14 03:54:05 +0000
Sir John , please can you tell us on how you chose exposure for this shot. The train is not dark and nor is the sky burnt out!!
Posted by Rohit Mohan on 2005 Nov 14 01:26:41 +0000
ahhhhhhhhh.....sir John, you are a true magician when it comes to composition and shot location!!!
hat's off to you!!
Posted by Vicky on 2005 Nov 13 22:40:21 +0000
A pure jem
Posted by Jainand Narayanan on 2005 Nov 13 21:36:48 +0000
Just one word....PURE MAGIC! Is it the same pic that you had mentioned in your mail John Sir (5kms from khallikote)? Please mail be the location details if possible.
Posted by Bizzy Mishra on 2005 Nov 13 20:09:29 +0000
Posted by Abhijit Lokre on 2005 Nov 13 20:09:28 +0000
Agreed! I guess Leica and Pentax are still the best! All credits to the Photographer. Wonder if I will ever own a red dot (Leica)!!
Posted by Rohit Mohan on 2005 Nov 13 20:06:46 +0000
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Excellent shot ,magician John!! Every pic you put up makes our jaws hit the floor as we stand gaping at how a 1980's camera and equipment can produce such nice results which compare the top of the line cameras today. If this doesnt get showcase,nothing ...
Posted by Rohit Mohan on 2005 Nov 13 19:37:01 +0000