While AC locos need only 6 or 8 indication lamps,the WCAM-1 loco has 12 indication lamps on the driver's desk.Also,they are located below the switchboard rather than beside it as in AC locos.A brief explanation:
LSS-To indicate line...
The 9132 Kutch express departs from Surat behind WCAM1 21833. Early morning Jan 31 (Abhijit)
Decorated WCAM-1/21800 known as Vallabh.Picture taken from a photoframe at Indian Railway Institute of Electrical Engineering(IRIEEN)Nasik. ()
WCAM-1 21817 is back in its old avatar of cream and red livery and with that it prepars for a new innings as a pure AC loco.It has been extensively refitted for pure AC operation on the lines of WAG-5/WAM4 locomotives.The circuits have been modified for p
21817 rests in lush greenery at shed Valsad awaiting RDSO trials for being made fit for 110 KMPH.Though the body is a little corroded in places,it has been pain-stakingly painted and the original color scheme has been strikingly reproduced.The plan is to
BL WCAM-1# 21844 with Virar Surat Shuttle seems to be posing in front of beautiful atmosphere of Vaitarna (Arzan Kotval)
BL WCAM 1 21846 departs Vasai Road with 59440 Ahmedabad - Mumbai Central Passeneger!! (Shreyas Kulkarni)
The workhorse departs from Borivali, for one last time - never to return to Mumbai. It will take some time to digest the fact that WCAM-1 can no longer be seen on the tracks of WR. Many of us grew up watching these machines. (Akshay Marathe)
WCAM-1 #21852 is shunted to be attached to the Virar Valsad Passenger at Virar. (Aamod Nerurkar)
WCAM-1 #21852 gets ready for final departure from Virar hauling 139 down Virar - Valsad passenger. This was the final commercial run of WCAM-1 class of locomotives. 21852 was the last remaining loco of this class - it was withdrawn from service after work