This the GR drum which is operated with ZSMGR(Graduator Servo Motor Handle). Notches have to be taken manually by the ALP when MP/EEC fail to work.Notches have to be taken within 0.6 seconds else the RGR will burn & trip the DJ.Q44 relay helps protect the RGR.
Sachin Buddhisagar (buddhisagarsachin at

Date: 2008-05-27
Owner: Guest
Full size: 625x768

Photo Properties
Summary  Details
Make Canon Model Canon PowerShot A510
Aperture Value f/2.6 Flash Red Eye, Auto-Mode
Metering Mode Multi-Segment Shutter Speed Value 1/60 sec
Digital Zoom Ratio 1 Date/Time 2008 May 27 13:30:12 +0100