Driver has to press the Vigilance pedal every minute otherwise it will be recorded and he will be suspended...what is the PVEF pedal for? Gaziabad WAP-7 #30209. Allahabad, 2003-12-16. By Samar.

Date: 2003-12-22
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Full size: 1024x691

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Color Space Uncalibrated Date/Time 2003 Dec 21 21:35:13 +0000

Must be to operate the sanders that spray sand from the sandbox on the tracks so that the wheels can "bite" and get better grip. Locos use sand to make their smooth metal wheels get a grip on the smooth metal track.
Posted by Guest on 2003 Dec 31 08:15:10 +0000
is it some kind of system to keep him awake and attentive???? And what is the 'sanding' switch??
Posted by Guest on 2003 Dec 29 17:24:44 +0000