Pic of an unusual shunter inside the Golden Rock workshops by Richard Morrison <r-morrison@ntlworld.com>. He writes to our S. Srinivas (who forwarded the mail to me): Just getting a chance to look at some of the pictures that I have taken, a curious one is one of the works shunters at the workshops. I have attached a copy any light that you can throw on this curious beast.
From my observations I’d say it is not a WDS6, it has 16 cylinders and also has a single driving position similar to an YDM4. My guess is that it is an old WDM2 that has been withdrawn from service and the works have modified it for their own use, if you look closely you can see both BG and MG couplings. Please feel free to pass around anyone who may be able to answer what the origin of this locomotive is.

Date: 2006-02-13
Owner: Apurva Bahadur
Full size: 1024x683

Photo Properties
Summary  Details
Make Canon Model Canon EOS 20D
Aperture Value f/16 Color Space sRGB
Exposure Program Shutter Priority Flash No Flash
ISO 200 Metering Mode Multi-Segment
Shutter Speed Value 1/130 sec Date/Time 2006 Feb 13 14:14:07 +0000

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Well, take a look at the bogie, Trimount alright, but there's something different about it...you can actually see the wheel very clearly, as compared to conventional WDMx. A WDS4x can be seen in the background behind the MG rakes. My guess is as good as...
Posted by Kharad Zarir Variyava on 2006 Apr 10 02:01:01 +0100
my take! it is a WDM2 whose short hood was damaged due to minor collision and GOC salvaged it for its own use. Don't quite know how it is hauling MG rakes.
Posted by Aseem Johri on 2006 Apr 09 21:13:44 +0100
Very much a WDM-2. Initially I thought it could be a jumbo modified to have a short nose but the chances are remote, as the windshield looks like a shoddy "aftermarket" job.
Posted by Bizzy Mishra on 2006 Apr 09 14:37:01 +0100