The exhaust and related equipments of WDM 3A. What are the extra box like structures holding? Note the shape of the chimney. 2005-09-19. Jimmy Jose.

Date: 2005-09-16
Owner: Jimmy Jose
Full size: 1024x768

Photo Properties
Summary  Details
Make SONY Model DSC-W5
Aperture Value f/9 Color Space sRGB
Exposure Program Program Flash Red Eye, Compulsory Flash, Return light not detected
ISO 100 Metering Mode Multi-Segment
Shutter Speed Value 1/250 sec Date/Time 2005 Sep 16 16:33:04 +0100

The shape of the chimney is nothing new but found only on locos that have the "R" suffix. Shakti series locos feature the same. The same can be observed on all Rebuilt GY and GTL locos.
Posted by Gallery Administrator on 2005 Sep 26 23:04:01 +0100