Having made an unscheduled halt at Babupeth near Chandrapur, Maharasthra - the starter turns green and the advanced starter at double yellow for the Delhi bound Karnataka Sampark Kranti Express. The mid day sun had virtually been blocked out by the innumerable coal fires near the station. (Reprocessed version of an earlier upload) (Shanx)

Date: 2008-12-29
Owner: Shashanka Nanda
Full size: 1096x840

Photo Properties
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Color Space Uncalibrated Date/Time 2008 Dec 28 22:59:37 +0000

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A Similar scene happened in jan this year when literally nothing was visible outside the Bilaspur station wher innumerable smoke trails could be sourced to the huts besides the track and the light was blocked to the lvels of the fog which is generally...
Posted by Trayambak Ojha on 2009 Mar 23 10:15:29 +0000
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Nice shot. Passengers on the train must have had a torrid time with the overdose of CO and CO2!

Any idea of the reason behind the coal fires? When I travelled by the KSK on this route in 2006, I noticed several collieries but no signs of...
Posted by Manish on 2009 Jan 03 12:34:49 +0000