The Kurla-Dadar local with a 8 km run, one of the most odd EMUs that I've ever seen. A few north-bound classmates from SIES college would travel south to get seats on this one. Matunga, Mumbai, 7/20/2005. Sundar "nut".

Date: 2002-01-01
Owner: Guest
Full size: 1024x768

am sorry for the previous comment. Actually, WR runs a EMU from CCG to BCt in the mornings. AM not sure if its still run, but I remember taking it from CCG to GTR quite a few times.
Posted by Gallery Administrator on 2005 Jul 22 02:46:35 +0100
m not sure if its still run. I remember taking it from CCG to GTR on quite a couple of occasions.
Posted by Gallery Administrator on 2005 Jul 22 02:42:21 +0100