Thomas Cook - India, Burma, Ceylon (1912)
"INDIA, BURMA, AND CEYLON - Information for Travellers and Residents", Thomas Cook and Son, 1912.
Made available by the Internet Archive.
Selected and edited with comments by R Sivaramakrishnan. Compiled on December 3, 2008.
Facing p. 1: Tourist Map of India, showing the railways.
p. 5: Fare from London (Tilbury) to Bombay by P. & O. Mail Steamer, via Gibraltar, Marseilles, Port Said and Aden, Single journey, 1st class, 52 pounds; 2nd class 38 pounds; Return (via Colombo), available for 24 months: 1st class, 78 pounds; 2nd class 57 pounds.
p.13: P. & O. passengers are allowed to carry free of charge personal baggage of 336 lbs in first class and 118 lbs in second class; children, paying half fare are allowed one-half these amounts.
p.20: Indian import duties:
[Fire]arms and ammunition - 10%
Champaigne and other sparkling drinks not containing more than 42% of Proof spirit - Rs. 3.12.0 per imperial gallon
Opium - Rs. 24 per seer.
p. 43: The Vesuvius and Funicular Railways on Vesuvius being our own property, our Agent at Naples will arrange to convey visitors by electric car or carriage from the city to the Pugliano station, and thence by railway to the crater at the top of the mountain, at a moderate fare.
p. 57: BOMBAY. Population (1911) - 972,900. Distance from London by sea and Suez Canal, 6,274 miles.
p. 59: Distances from Bombay by railway, running time and fares:
Calcutta via Jubbulpore, 1349 mi, 41 hrs., I Cl. Rs. 99-1-6; II Cl. 49-9-6
Calcutta via Nagpur, 1221 mi, 41 ½ hrs., I Cl. Rs. 91-1-6, II Cl. 45-9-6
Delhi via Ajmere, 849 mi., 34 hrs., I Cl. Rs. 62-7-0, II Cl. 31-4-0
Delhi via Baroda, Nagda, 865 mi., 21 ½ hrs., I Cl. Rs. 66-4-0, II Cl. 33-3-0
Delhi via Itarsi, 957 mi., 28 ½ hrs., I Cl. Rs. 66-4-0, II Cl. 33-3-0
Madras via Raichur, 794 mi., 32 ½ hrs., I Cl. Rs. 68-6-0, II Cl. 34-4-0
Peshawar via Itarsi, 1594 mi., 52 hrs., I Cl. Rs. 116-14-0, II Cl. 58-8-0
p. 64: CALCUTTA. Population (1911) - 1,216,514, incld. suburbs. Until 1912, the capital of India and the seat of the Government. Local time 24 minutes in advance of the Indian Standard or railway time.
p. 66: Distances from Calcutta by railway, running time and fares:
Bombay via Jubbulpore, 1349 mi., 39 hrs., I Cl. Rs. 99-1-6; II Cl. 49-9-6
Bombay via Nagpore, 1221mi., 41 hrs., I Cl. Rs. 91-1-6; II Cl. 45-9-6
Darjeeling via Sara Ghat, 379 mi., 20 hrs., I Cl. Rs. 49-13-0; II Cl. 24-15-0
(Return) I Cl. Rs. 66-7-0; II Cl. 33-4-0
Delhi via Allahabad, 903 mi., 28 hrs., I Cl. Rs. 65-13-6; II Cl. 32-15-6
Delhi via Benares, Lucknow, 933 mi., 31 hrs., I Cl. Rs. 80-1-0; II Cl. 40-1-0
Madras via Waltair, 1031 mi., 43 hrs., I Cl. Rs. 91-0-6; II Cl. 44-4-6
Peshawar via Delhi, 1540 mi., 58 hrs., I Cl. Rs. 99-1-6; II Cl. 49-9-6
p. 66: THE BRAHMAPUTRA, THE RHINE OF INDIA. A most interesting Excursion, and one which no traveler to India should omit, is a visit to the important teabearing districts of the country, situated in the valley of Assam, intersected by the world-famed Brahmaputra. But a few years ago this trip was impossible to ordinary travellers, the journey up and down occupying considerably over a month: but now a rapid daily mail service has been established, which brings the return journey to Gauhati within five days of Calcutta. Leaving Calcutta by the Darjeeling Mail in the afternoon, the interesting little station of Dhubri is reached on the following morning, [from where] the traveller proceeds on one of the mail boats of the River Steam Navigation Company. The scenery here is very fine, the gently sloping Garo hills being seen on the south bank, and beyond on the right bank are the thickly-wooded Bhutan Hills, behind which rise the snow-clad Himalayas.
The Excursion may be extended [beyond Gauhati] by proceeding the next day as far as Tezpore, and from thence a two days' further run to Dibrugarh... From Dibrugarh can be seen tea gardens, stretching in many cases for 2,000 acres in one block ; and, if desirable, the Assam coalfields and petroleum springs can be visited at Margherita.
1. Calcutta to Dibrugarh and back, via Goalundo (time occupied, 12 days) first class fare, Rs. 81-10-9 2. Calcutta to Gauhati (for Shillong) and back, via Goalundo (time occupied, 8 days); first Class fare, Rs. 43-12-9
3. Calcutta to Dibrugarh and back, via Dhubri (time occupied, 9 days); first class fare, Rs. 97-12-3
4. Calcutta to Gauhati (for Shillong) and back, via Dhubri (time occupied, 4 days); first class fare, Rs.59-14-3
Return Tickets are available for eight months.
In addition to above fares Rs. 4 per day is charged for messing.
Facing p. 81: Tourist map of Ceylon, showing the railways.
p. 84: Colombo Tramways - A service of electric tramcars starts from the base of the passenger jetty and runs (a) through the native town to Grand Pass on the banks of the Kelani River, (b) to Borella, a suburb of Colombo about 3 miles from the starting point. Fares 10 cents a mile, first class.
p. 93: Connection between Ceylon and India. The Ceylon Government Railway are now constructing a line from Madawachiya on the Northern line to the seashore at the end of the Island of Manaar. Ferry steamers will make the short passage, of about 16 miles, in smooth shallow water to the South Indian Railway terminus at the end of Ramisseram Island. The South Indian Railway branch on Ramisseram will shortly be joined to the Indian line by the bridge now Under construction over the Paumben Channel.
p. 95: The South Indian Railway Company, with a view to accelerating the traffic between Madras and Colombo, have organised an express service between Madras and Tuticorin (via Trichinopoly and Madura), thence by one of the British India larger steamers to Colombo, the entire journey occupying 36 hours. This railway affords travelers from Madras or Ceylon convenient facilities for visiting the historical districts and temples of Southern India... Unfortunately there is an absence of hotels, and the accommodation at the stations is very limited, but at Madura, Tanj ore, Trichinopoly, etc., there are rooms above the Railway Stations, and visitors occupying these take their meals in the Refreshment Rooms, which are all under the supervision of Messrs. Spencer & Co., Madras.
p. 96: Ootacamund, about 350 miles from Madras, is the chief Sanatorium of the [Madras] Presidency, ... The narrow-gauge railway to Fernhill station was opened on September 15th, 1908.
p. 94: Through fares from Colombo to Madras-First Class, Rs. 48.80 ; Second, Rs. 24.50 ; Native Servant, Rs. 8.50.
p. 100: Railway Travelling.-The Indian railway carriages are constructed so as to enable each passenger to recline at full length during night journeys, and are also fitted with lavatories and W.C.
Through Carriages.-Passengers for the North-West and Oude and Punjab, leaving Bombay from the Victoria terminus of the G. I. P. Railway, ... may travel in carriages that run through by the North-East Mail Train, leaving every evening (i) via Itarsi, Agra, Ghaziabad, and Umballa to Lahore, (2) via Jhansi and Cawnpore to Lucknow, (3) via Allahabad, Mogul Serai (Junction for Benares) to Calcutta.
There are also Through Carriages from Bombay (Victoria Terminus) to Hyderabad, Secunderabad, and to Madras, by the South-East Mail Train leaving every evening.
p. 101: Reserved Accommodation - A First Class compartment may usually be reserved on payment of three or four fares, and a Second Class compartment on payment of five fares, but the rules of each Company vary ...
Refreshment Rooms - Refreshments can be obtained at most of the large stations, and Guards are authorised by the Railway Companies to wire from preceding stations if informed by passengers that meals will be required at the Refreshment Rooms.
p. 107: ITINERARY OF A COMPREHENSIVE TOUR IN INDIA. From Bombay to Bombay. Visiting Indore, Udaipur, Ajmere, Jaipur, Agra, Delhi, Amritsar, Lahore, Cawnpore, Lucknow, Benares, Calcutta, Darjeeling, Rangoon, Waltair, Madras, Bangalore, the Nilgherries, Hyderabad, Poona; and occupying about three-and-a-half months. Inclusive fare, First Class, Rs. 640. [Detailed itinerary, pp. 108-109]