Noakhali District (1911)

"Noakhali", by J. E. Webster, I.C.S., in the Eastern Bengal and Assam District Gazetteers Series, Pioneer Press, Allahabad, 1911

Made available by the Internet Archive.
Source: Libraries of the University of California system Edited by R Sivaramakrishnan. Posted to IRFCA on: October 10, 2008.

p. 65:

In 1896 the Assam-Bengal Railway from Chittagong to Laksam passing through Feni, the eastern sub-division of the district, was opened for traffic, and in 1903 a branch line was constructed from Laksam to Noakhali station. This line brought the head-quarters of the district into communication with the port of Chandpur, from which steamers run in all directions, while Feni is only 4-1/4 hours' run from Chittagong. Both lines are used for passenger as well as goods traffic and have been of immense assistance to the people in disposing of their surplus produce.

The original source material used on this page is believed to be out of copyright, and/or these extracts are believed to be fall within the scope of fair use under copyright law. Material selection and editing by R Sivaramakrishnan, 2008.