Noakhali District (1911)
"Noakhali", by J. E. Webster, I.C.S., in the Eastern Bengal and Assam District Gazetteers Series, Pioneer Press, Allahabad, 1911
Made available by the Internet Archive.
Source: Libraries of the University of California system
Edited by R Sivaramakrishnan. Posted to IRFCA on: October 10, 2008.
p. 65:
In 1896 the Assam-Bengal Railway from Chittagong to Laksam passing through Feni, the eastern sub-division of the district, was opened for traffic, and in 1903 a branch line was constructed from Laksam to Noakhali station. This line brought the head-quarters of the district into communication with the port of Chandpur, from which steamers run in all directions, while Feni is only 4-1/4 hours' run from Chittagong. Both lines are used for passenger as well as goods traffic and have been of immense assistance to the people in disposing of their surplus produce.