HOWRAH STATION, the Gateway to Calcutta, situated on the banks of Hooghli(Ganges) river.
This Web Site is created by a Railfan from Eastern India.
This page has been created for the people who feel Railways flowing in their blood. Motion has been an icon of development since the first wheel was invented during early civilisation and Railways had been the main theme of locomotion for development, since the time modern technology was accepted by mankind. Indians have had an enduring romance with Railways and the "Iron Horse" as it is endearingly called, conjures up visions of a mammoth smoke - bellowing black monster chugging through green fields, dark tunnels long river bridges ( please relive the sound) hauling a string of coaches/wagons. In India , it is the Railways that made communication easier between different parts of such a big country, with diverse languages , religion and social customs. In early days in our country, older people set off with their small belongings either in bullock carts or on foot, to visit religious places in far off places, for earning " punya" leaving no hope to return to their near and dear ones during their life time.
Our children in this part of
century and in the years to come, would not know the romance of steam age which
signified the very word "train". Remember Satyajit Ray's "Pather
Panchali" where little Apu and his elder sister Durga run through the
fields full of "Kash" flowers to witness the running train.
I also remember another beautiful scene from "Sonar
Kella"which you can view
Those wonder struck eyes will never be seen again in the face of our children. It
still gives me a feeling of
and a kind of association. I feel sorry for the kids of this generation, that they will never be able to
visualise what " koo-ooo- jhik- jhik- jhik " means when they will be
still playing a game with the legend.
(click to hear and see with winamp )
It is for the reasons above that I have created the site. Please feel free to communicate my deficiencies and also your comments.
Any mis-information may please be reported at
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