Photo 1: Greetings from me, Apurva and my wife Shyama. This is YG 3290 at Miraj Jn. about to depart with 308 Dn. Miraj - Londa passenger in 1990.
Some random meter gauge pictures below all from Mysore, Karnataka in 1991:
Photo 2: Tata-built YP from Mysore shed with the 810 Dn. Mysore - Nanjangud Town passenger in the final moments of departure, waiting only for the guard's 'right'.
Photo 3: Departure of the same train.
Photo 4: A tender-foremost Mysore YP brings in 803 Up Chamrajanagar Mysore mixed passenger. The Mysore Railway museum is very close by on the road near the signal cabin.
Photo 5: Guntakal YDM4 arrives at Krishnarajanagar on the Arsikere - Mysore road to replace another failed YDM4. The guard's van is of the Northern Railway, quite a long distance from its home!
Photo 6: Guntakal YDM4 having brought in the 230 Dn. Bangalore - Mysore passenger.
Photo 7: Another YDM4 homing at Golden Rock (Tiruchirapalli) moves slowly to the trip shed. Note the 'FP' stone tablet on the ground under the cab. This is the Fouling Point indicator for dead end line. If a 'load' is 'stabled' on the half-buried dead-end line on the left, it must be further of this mark, else it may collide with a train on the middle loop line.
Photo 8: Another shot of the same loco. Note the offset exhaust and the large radiator fan.
Also note the lovely roof line of the YDM4. I can almost hear the rasping purr of the engine. I can best describe the very musical exhaust of this loco in between a regular bell chime and a light snore. Think about it!