YDM 4 6238 rests with it's train. Quilon Jn, 2005-04-09. Jimmy Jose.
The other side of the shed is totally dilapidated. Once this shed held upto 60 locos. Many of the old sed structures were pulled down as they fell on BG territory during gauge conversion of TVC-ERS line in 1971. Quilon Jn, 2005-04-09. Jimmy Jose.
The old steam shed, a part of which is now used as rolling stock maintanence shed. Quilon Jn, 2005-04-09. Jimmy Jose.
This fence seperates the BG and MG areas of the station. Officially it seperates the Trivandrum (BG) and Madurai (MG) divisions of SR. Quilon Jn, 2005-04-09. Jimmy Jose.
Looking down the MG platform. The newer BG platform on the Trivandrum-Ernakulam line is on the right. Quilon Jn, 2005-04-09. Jimmy Jose.
Golden Rock YDM 4 6664 waits to haul the Quilon Tenkasi passenger. Quilon Jn, 2005-04-09. Jimmy Jose.
The old MG terminus at Quilon Jn. The MG line from Schencottah to Quilon ends here. This line was built by Maharajah of Travancore in 1904. Quilon Jn, 2005-04-09. Jimmy Jose.
IR's longest single loco haul - Trivandrum Jodhpur Express is hauled by a single Ernakulam WDM 2 throughout it's journey from Trivandrum to Jodhpur. Today, 16804 is ready to commence it's mammoth journey with the train across the country, lasting for 60
Trivandrum-Ernakulam Vanchinad Exp prepares to leave Pf no. 1 of Trivandrum Central behind ERS WDM 2 18318. This train was once a superfast but has been downgraded over the years to such an extent that it not even fit to be called an Express. Trivandrum
Head on with the exhaust and radiator fan of ERS WDM 2 17483. Trivandrum Central, 2005-04-11. Jimmy Jose.
The train care cetnre at Trivandrum Central. Look at the small 3A coach on top. 2005-04-11. Jimmy Jose.
The sidings at Trivandrum Central are really big. Look how many rakes they hold. Trivandrum Central, 2005-04-11. Jimmy Jose.
On the other side of the station, an ERS loco is sandwiched between two ED locos. In all,there were 14 WDM 2 and it's derivatives at TVC at this point of time. Trivandrum Central, 2005-04-11. Jimmy Jose.
Trivandrum Central does not have a trip shed. So locos lie scattered everywhere. This is the northern exit. Indeed, this is a WDM 2 spotters heaven. I am standing just above the twin ERS headed Trivandrum Chennai Mail. Trivandrum Central, 2005-04-11.
A new very small trip shed (or load box) coming up at Trivandrum Central. Trivandrum Central, 2005-04-11. Jimmy Jose.