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Wow, stunning livery by TKD !!! inspired by the LHB Raj it seems !!! i hope that the WDP1 isn't harbouring any dreams of hauling it, though twin WDP1s in this livery hauling the LHB Raj would make a real pretty sight :o) Note the free riders.. they are omnipresent on every light loco between TKD shed and NDLS.
Posted by Guest on 2004 Mar 15 05:31:24 +0000
too right it does. got knows why they got a rajdhani liveried WDP-2 when they cudn't even get a raj EOG.
Posted by Guest on 2004 Jan 29 10:10:00 +0000
The bar in question is the one across the door. You can see that the left hand of the assistant driver is resting on it. YOu can see the "bar" in the open position in the other picture - here it is hanging parallel to the regular rails on the either side of the door.
Posted by Guest on 2003 Nov 26 18:27:22 +0000
Could anyone point for me which bar is being talked about in this picture?
Posted by Guest on 2003 Nov 26 17:40:03 +0000
Sad that this loco does not have the matching Raj livery, but is in the standard GOC.
Posted by Guest on 2003 Nov 24 14:01:58 +0000
Is this one of those converted locos??
Posted by Guest on 2003 Nov 21 17:08:08 +0000
Green-and-cream is the standard GOC livery (although it looks more striking on a WDM-2). The red-and-cream liveried WDPs must be the ones that have the TVC Rajdhani in their link, which is why they are in Rajdhani livery.
Posted by Guest on 2003 Nov 16 18:42:19 +0000
Is there any difference in the physical appearance of WDP2 and WDP3.
Posted by Guest on 2003 Nov 14 18:02:17 +0000
this loco is now painted in TKD standard blue-white colors which has started peeling off already and the old coat of red paint is clearly visible underneath
Posted by Guest on 2003 Oct 29 03:50:33 +0000
Nice pic, Vabby!
Normally TKD's WDP-2s are blue, this red one is a rarity.
Is this loco still painted red?
Posted by Guest on 2003 Oct 20 19:28:54 +0100