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BSL 013
Here is the exact spot
Posted by Dr.Jitendra Mulky on 2011 Feb 12 12:38:20 +0000
BSL 013
This is spotted just after BSL ?
Posted by Sriram SN on 2011 Feb 12 09:56:04 +0000
Apart from the five in this photograph, Mr.S.Srinivas, Mr.Ravi Sundar Rajan and Mr.Raghavendra Rao have all attended all the six conventions. Mr.Rao, though present in the Hall, could not join us, as he was busy with some work.
Posted by V. Srinavasa Prasad on 2011 Feb 12 07:08:39 +0000
Indeed! Hats off to the veterans! Like Sachin and Miandad being the only players to play in 6 world cups!
Posted by Dr. Himagirish Rao on 2011 Feb 12 01:57:19 +0000
I salute your efforts. It is never easy, even lesser when done remotely!
When I heard about AA Phadke - I said to myself, "he is my senior from MACT Bhopal - originally from GWL. Anirudhh Atmaram Phadke - a name I cannot forget. Someone, please send me his e-mail ID offline. Thanks
Posted by Shirish Paranjape on 2011 Feb 11 22:40:00 +0000
Hats off to you.......
Posted by Pankaj Pandey on 2011 Feb 11 18:04:40 +0000
BSL 033
Karan, I think the wikimapia link makes it very clear as to what line the diamond crossing is on.
Posted by Dr.Jitendra Mulky on 2011 Feb 11 11:32:10 +0000
Sorry for the mistake Karan.
There is another word for diamond crossings which are at same level and those which are marginally above the other I mistook flying for that.
Posted by Rahul Rao on 2011 Feb 11 06:42:36 +0000
Had a good memory for lifetime !!!
Posted by Chitrarth Parghi on 2011 Feb 11 05:53:38 +0000
To all in the photograph:

Organizing such a complex convention, coordinating multiple agencies, organizations and finally making this happen requires tons of patience, perseverence and persistence.

While I could not myself be present during the convention, I was following it on Vrij's blog continuously over the last weekend.

From what I read, I want to doff my hat off to ALL of you.

Thank you very, very much for all your efforts and hard work.
Posted by Uttam Padukone on 2011 Feb 10 20:50:47 +0000