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This was a double headed load in fact! Both locos were live and mu'ed together! MG freights out of Delhi are single hauled when the load is upto 25 8-wheeler box cars + 1 gaurd van (total 26) and for anything longer one would see a double headed working! This was however only the 2nd one spotted by me on this section till date!
Posted by Guest on 2004 Feb 19 14:40:06 +0000
This was part of a special steam up for the 2nd National Steam Locomotive Conference - New Delhi 14th Feb & Rewari 15th Feb 2004. The conference happened in New Delhi while the steam up was done in Rewari. 3 WP's, 1 WL, 1 YG and 1 BG Steam Crane were in steam!!
Posted by Guest on 2004 Feb 19 14:35:30 +0000
Yes, this is the standard ABR shed livery - carried over from the MG YDM4 days! Unfortunately, on this day, it did not have a matching power in its double header consist!
Posted by Guest on 2004 Feb 19 14:33:09 +0000
wish i was carrying my filters - the exposure of the loco
is too much . i did not have enough time to make adjustments as the loco was moving fast
Posted by Guest on 2004 Feb 19 07:04:43 +0000
Looks great to watch steam in action once again. The magestic WPs...
Posted by Guest on 2004 Feb 19 07:00:49 +0000
Picture quality is to-class.. Great Photo
Posted by Guest on 2004 Feb 19 06:55:50 +0000
Excellent Photo vikas. The early morning sun, the loco and the figure shrouded in a shawl, all combine to make an excellent snap. Wonderfull!!
Posted by Guest on 2004 Feb 19 06:54:49 +0000
As per my observation this is the first photgraph on IRFCA of two MG YDM locomtives joint to gether. What needs to be known is that is it coupled or dead headed or mordern muing with locontrol systems ? Total 2700 HP Thrust ! ! !
Posted by Guest on 2004 Feb 19 01:55:18 +0000
Of course, a really nice, bright looking livery on that loco. Once again, a matching leading EOG (hope it had a matching trailing EOG as well)!!! Feels nice not to see a livery mismatch!! Still, will be better to see a matching liveried loco as well.
Posted by Guest on 2004 Feb 18 03:15:01 +0000
Wow!!!!!!I never knew that steam engines are still in service.
Posted by Guest on 2004 Feb 17 23:09:52 +0000