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swallowing WCAM1.jpg
Looks like the nose of the WP has been redone. Did the original WP's have such a conical or perfectly hemispherical nose? Doubt raised by Poochi Venkat
Posted by Jimmy Jose on 2006 Apr 10 15:51:19 +0100
Heritage Run 1.MPG
Look at someone throwing bad words and lifting his hands in anger at Surya Nagari Exp. Lucky that Surya Nagari Exp did not arrive a few seconds earlier
Posted by Jimmy Jose on 2006 Apr 10 15:49:10 +0100
did they block a window on the top of side. Can't figure out what it is.
Posted by Aseem Johri on 2006 Mar 19 04:50:36 +0000
why couldn't they make the seats wider and reduce the unnecessarily wide passage!
Posted by Aseem Johri on 2006 Mar 19 01:48:15 +0000
Well Bizzy, it does have 2 fans but that's it. Maybe the weather in the winter months, when the commercial service runs, does not pose much problems regarding ventilation.
Posted by Rajeev Shrivastava on 2006 Mar 19 00:07:56 +0000
A great view all right, but the persons sitting there will suffocate!!! No ventilation, no AC, nothing?
Posted by Bizzy Mishra on 2006 Mar 18 23:52:46 +0000
Great Photograph! This is the Diyung Viaduct between Lower Haflong and Migrendisa. Parts of the town of Haflong can be seen on the ridge above the train.
Posted by Mohan Bhuyan on 2006 Jan 20 20:44:35 +0000
just one word - wow! Two more - Mind Blowing!!
Posted by Vicky on 2006 Jan 15 11:45:19 +0000
Welcome back, John!

WPs played major role in celebrating 150 years of IR. Members may check albums on IRFCA servers to see them in action before this picture was taken.
Posted by Prakash Tendulkar on 2006 Jan 09 11:28:59 +0000
Welcome back, John!

WPs played major role in celebrating 150 years of IR. Members may check albums on IRFCA servers to see them in action before this picture was taken.
Posted by Prakash Tendulkar on 2006 Jan 09 11:28:59 +0000