ZDM4A 211 arrives at Nagpur station - Nice locomotive hoot and charming "train music" can he heard as the entire rake passes by under the setting sun.

Date: 2006-04-24
Owner: Saqib Karori
Full size: 320x240
<a href="https://www.irfca.org/gallery/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&amp;g2_itemId=85051">Download movie</a>

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I took two videos and several pictures from that spot and was there for about good 20 minutes. No one approached me. They need to keep looking through those windows more often. However, I had a railway guy talking with me, out of his own curiosity; may...
Posted by Saqib Karori on 2006 Apr 24 23:23:31 +0100