The Deccan Express at the scheduled Monkey Hill halt. Take a look the waterfall in the background. Bhor Ghat, 2004-08. By Vivek Manvi.

Date: 2004-08-16
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Full size: 1024x768

The pictures are excellent. But I noticed that there are no Monkyes seen in any of the pictures of Monkey hill. I remeber the ever present and bold monkeys waiting for the arrival of the trains (and food).
Posted by Guest on 2006 May 11 05:35:56 +0100
The green signal was actually for the Kolhapur-Mumbai Sahyadri Express. The train was just starting up after the mandatory halt at Monkey Hill when I clicked this pic.
Posted by Gallery Administrator on 2004 Aug 17 19:41:26 +0100
Green signal can be for either DQ or Pragati. Truly a very nice view, clouds, waterfall, a bit of catch siding - Sandeep Bhate.
Posted by Gallery Administrator on 2004 Aug 17 06:25:24 +0100
Brilliant photo!!!
Simply breathtaking!!!
Which train is about to cross on the other line as the aspect is green?? Note the travellers hurryin up!!
Posted by Gallery Administrator on 2004 Aug 16 14:25:58 +0100