Looking up and above - this picture is merged from several images, so the perspective is somewhat distorted. The tallest of the piers on this 424 meter long viaduct is 64 meters over the Panval river bed - this is the tallest operational viaduct on the IR, the second tallest in Asia. 18th April 2008.

Date: 2008-04-19
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Full size: 453x1024

Each pillar (64 metre high) was constructed using slip form technique in 12 days. There is an anemometer near the middle of this bridge. I have been told that it trips the signal to red, if the wind speed is >75 kmph.
Posted by Rajeev Shrivastava on 2008 Apr 19 16:34:38 +0100
Where does this door lead to? Is there a staircase or an elevator inside?
Posted by Rahul on 2008 Apr 19 15:43:04 +0100